Blast from the Past January 4, 2023

130 Years Ago

Jan. 6, 1893

Quite an important change that took place in Alliance business circles this week was the purchase of the grocery department of W. W. Norton’s store by C. E. Darling. Mr. Darling has been a resident of Box Butte, is the owner of the “Darling” cottages in this city, possessed of abundant means, had several years’ experience and ought to prosper in the new undertaking. The firm name is C. E. Darling & CO.

125 Years Ago

Jan. 7, 1898

Dr. Bowman amputated a great toe for Henry Shroeder, a lad from Box Butte, last Sunday afternoon. He is a son-in-law of Tom Lee, about a month ago went to the timber. The weather turned suddenly cold, and coming home he had both feet frozen. The attempt to cure with home remedies failed, and when he consulted a physician amputation was found necessary.

120 Years Ago

Jan. 6, 1903

A new steam hammer has been received for the blacksmith shops. It is very modern, and with about twice the capacity of the old. It arrived yesterday and will be placed in position at once.

115 Years Ago

Jan. 3, 1908

The spacious club rooms of the Fraternal Order of Eagles was well filled New Year’s evening with a large number of the members and friends who had gathered there to attend the smoker and “watch the old year out and the new year in.” The guests were allowed the freedom of the rooms and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves to the limit.

110 Years Ago

Jan. 7, 1913

Last week end Marshal Laing was advised by telegraph to be on the lookout for two men who were badly wanted at Mullen. One of the men was described as being over thirty years of age, the other a man under twenty. Both were armed. The telegram came too late for the marshal to catch the men, as they had departed a day earlier, ostensibly for Gordon.

105 Years Ago

Jan. 4, 1918

Arrangements have been made for the continuance of the Horace Bogue store under the management of Mr. Otto Zamzow, who has been in active charge of the store for the past two years. Mr. Zamzow is well qualified for the responsible place having been in the business practically all his life and in some of the largest stores in the country. Mr. Bogue will leave this week for New York to care for the spring buying after which he will go to Seattle, where Mrs. Bogue has preceded him and where they will make their future home.

100 Years Ago

Jan. 5, 1923

The week of February 5 has been designated as the date for the indoor carnival to be given by the Elks lodge in the club building. There will be a “Midway” extending the full length of the building with a variety of shows on either side. There will be doll racks, swimming matches, bathing girls and dozen of other features that should prove of interest to a pleasure-seeking crowd.

95 Years Ago

Jan. 3, 1928

Three persons riding in a Ford roadster were painfully injured when the car stuck a deep rut, blew a tire and overturned just south of the viaduct in the southeast part of the city, Miss Eva Beal, who was driving the machine, received severe bruises and lacerations about the face and body. She was dazed for several hours. Miss Leola Schill sustained a cracked rib and bruises and Leo Schill was hurt about the face. Three of his teeth were knocked out. The automobile was damaged to a great extent.

90 Years Ago

Jan. 3, 1933

Old Doc Stork showed that he was willing and ready to do his bit toward the growth and prosperity of the community by bringing a bouncing baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. Russell Trenkle. The new youngster arrived New Year’s day at St. Joseph’s hospital, and has been given the name James Joseph. After a couple of weeks stay at the hospital to get acquainted with his parents and the goings on in his new world in which he is to live, he will be at home to callers on Hickory street.

85 Years Ago

Jan. 4, 1938

Two men, Merle Cheney and Virgil Harrison, went to the dance New Year’s eve at the Community hall west of Hemingford without overcoats, came back with one apiece, but now they won’t need any for a few days. Monday morning they pleaded guilty to petite larceny charges before County Judge Penrose E. Romig and were sentenced to 10 days in the county jail.

80 Years Ago

Jan. 5, 1943

Joe Johnson, 33-year old will be arranged before County Judge P. E. Romig tomorrow morning on a charge of first degree murder in connection with the slaying of Bill Lyons, 22, at 101 Sweetwater early last Friday morning.

75 Years Ago

Jan. 2, 1948

New Year’s eve was unfortunate for Jack Strong, volunteer fireman, who jumped for the sliding pole to the fire house, missed it and landed on the cement floor and broke his right ankle. He was treated by Dr. Joseph Kuncl and reported that just as he jumped for the pole someone else struck it and he missed his grip.

70 Years Ago

Jan. 1, 1953

The first city employee to retire under social security is I. E. Barrett, 72-year old Alliance police officer, who retired because of his age and health. Barrett had been a member of the department since June 20, 1942, and was a special officer for some years before that. Chief of Police Doug Thomas and members of the police department presented the veteran officer with a table-model radio and a miniature police officer’s badge.

65 Years Ago

Jan. 3, 1958

The twelfth Street hill between Box Butte and Sweetwater is a popular gathering place for youngsters and sleds these days. The snow-packed hill has been blocked off by the city so kids can coast without being endangered by automobiles. Nearly 100 kids were coasting at the spot Thursday. Three of these youngsters are Artie Baier, Billie Reno and Bob Harvey.

60 Years Ago

Jan. 1, 1963

Patrick Stephen McCauley, who arrived at 2:55 a.m., today at St. Joseph’s Hospital, is the 1963 winner of The Daily Times-Herald Stork Derby. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter McCauley, 743 Belmont. Patrick Stephen weighed in at 5 pounds, 12 ounces, and has two sisters and a brother. They are Sally, 9; Michael, 5; and Susan, 4. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. DeVilla Weldin and Mrs. Vennie McCauley, all of Alliance.

55 Years Ago

Jan. 3, 1968

John Julius, an employee of the Burlington since 1918 and chief clerk in the Alliance Division Superintendent’s office since September, 1953, has retired. J. F. Arnieri of Sheridan, Wyo., has arrived in Alliance to take over the office of chief clerk.

50 Years Ago

Jan. 4, 1973

Police Magistrate and Justice of Peace Nella Tash Johnstone has completed the work in these offices as they are not in existence with the changeover to the new district-county system. Mrs. Johnstone has served many years in the posts and also assisted her late father, Ira Tash, the late Penrose Romig and Edgar Marlow as court clerk when they were Box Butte Judges.

45 Years Ago

Jan. 4, 1978

Alliance City Schools board of education named businessman Dean Simpson president. Dr. John Segrist, vice president; Dr. Richard Jaggers, secretary; and school business manager Robert Duryea was re-elected as district treasurer.

40 Years Ago

Jan. 5, 1983

Glen and Ardith Piihls were honored this morning at the First Wednesday Coffee as January Businessman/Woman of the Month by the Alliance Area Chamber of Commerce. The Coffee was held at the Heritage VI Mall. The Piihls own and operate the Small Engine & Kawasaki Sales & Service at 3rd and Yellowstone.

35 Years Ago

Jan. 4, 1988

Make tracks to Alliance’s newest salon, The Hair Express. Cosmetologists Sharon Carter and Kim Girard are ready to serve you at their new location, 515 Laramie. Located behind the Library, with plenty of parking available.

30 Years Ago

Jan. 4, 1993

Two automobiles were totaled in an accident which occurred just north of Alliance at 2:14 p.m. on Friday, January 1. Fred D. Mackey, 83 driving a 1989 Ford LTD, was southbound on Highway 2 when he attempted a left turn onto 25th Street. Brent Behm, 17, northbound on Highway 2 in a 1989 Ford Mustang, struck Mackey’s car broadside. Mackey was admitted to Box Butte General Hospital for treatment of head and elbow injuries. Behm was treated and released at BBGH.

25 Years Ago

Jan. 3, 1998

The first layer of the roof on the north half of the library/attendance center is nailed to a wooden beam Friday afternoon. The building was also connected to electrical service this week and a site drainage line was dug. Construction of exterior walls will continue this month. The building is scheduled to be enclosed by the end of January. According to City Manager Bret Jones most of the project’s design issues have been resolved.

20 Years Ago

Jan. 4, 2003

Alliance’s first baby of 2003 was born New Year’s Day at Box Butte General Hospital to Jacqueline

Girard of Alliance and Robert Valladares of Scottsbluff. Mia Valladares, the couple’s first child, weighed 6 pounds-9 ounces and was 21 inches long. Her grandparents are Rita Girard and Jack Girard, formerly of Alliance, and Salvador Valladares of Ft. Collins, Colo., and Marilyn Valladares of Scottsbluff.

15 Years Ago

Jan. 4, 2008

Troy Shoemaker, the new Alliance Volunteer Fire Department chief, was officially sworn in at the Alliance City Council meeting. Shoemaker, an Alliance native, has spent 19 years as a firefighter.

10 Years Ago

Jan. 4, 2013

Box Butte County Commissioner-elect Doug Hashman took the oath of office Thursday morning, sworn in by Box Butte County District Court Judge Travis O’Gorman.

5 Years Ago

Jan. 3, 2018

Box Butte General Hospital (BBGH) Obstetrics nurse Sarah Lunbery, BSN, RN, was named the hospital’s Employee of the Month in April of 2017. She topped that distinction Friday Dec. 29, at the hospital’s annual Recognition Dinner when it was announced that the employees of BBGH had voted that she be named the 2017 Employee of the Year.