2022-24 Legion Officers Sworn In

At the regularly scheduled monthly meeting of the Alliance American Legion Post 7, held Tuesday, July 5, District 4 Commander, Steve Stanec conducted the swearing in ceremony for Post 7 Commander Bob Miller, Post 7 Adjutant/Financial Officer Brad Moomey, Second Vice Commander Larry McCracken, Sgt-at-Arms Tom Hoeler and District Vice-Commander Kent Holmes of Gering Post 36.

The American Legion was founded on March 15-17, 1919 by members of the Amercian Expeditionary Forces still stationed in Europe at the end of World War I which was later chartered by the United States Congress.

The American Legion, the largest wartime veteran’s organization’s mission was to strengthen the nation through programs, services and advocacy to help millions throughout it’s first century, with a vision to make the nation prouder, stronger, smarter and more respectful of those who have sacrificed some, or all, in the defense of our nation.

The Four Pillars of service implemented by the American Legion in 1919 have gone unchanged and deal with Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism and Children & Youth.

Some of the more visible Legion programs found locally through the Alliance American Legion Post 7 deal largely with Americanism and Children & Youth, which involve the youth Oratorical Contest, Boys State, Jr. Law Cadet Program, supporting American Legion Baseball, as well as the Post 7’s honor/color guard unit participating in parades and other community activities.