Box Butte County’s Paul Harvey

I miss Paul Harvey.

How would the airwaves sound if Paul Harvey was still with us?

And he worked exclusively for KCOW Radio?

Maybe his May 11, 2022 broadcast would resemble the following:

“Hello, Box Butte Countians, this is Paul Harvey! Stand by for news!

You are going to learn right now, that Paul Harvey, an old farm boy, drives a 1994 GMC pickup. A pickup which has a driver’s side rear tire with a sloooooow leak.

And that leak is only remembered when the tire pressure drops to 15 pounds.

That’s when WESTCO becomes my best friend. WESTCO offers outside air hoses at their Alliance locations at 25th and Box Butte and at Third and Flack. If you’re a forgetful sailor and keep putting off getting that leaky tire fixed, don’t risk an inconvenient flat. Pump up that tire at WESTCO. And while you’re there enjoy Paul Harvey’s favorite drink. A 24-ounce cup of coffee mixed with any type of cappuccino.

WESTCO. Celebrating 80 years of Service. Solutions. Success.

On page one, Paul Harvey asks for your forgiveness for allowing this story to slip through the cracks.

You undoubtedly had heard of the man who vandalized our beloved Dobby’s Frontier Town.

On January 19 of this year, Christopher Heater, age 31, spent a few hours illegally visiting the village’s buildings. It was illegal because during his visit he gave them an appearance of having two full grown lions fighting over a tasty antelope.

Heater was arrested by Alliance Police a few days later and eventually faced several felony charges.

Negotiations resulted in Heater entering a guilty plea to a felony charge of attempted burglary and a misdemeanor charge of theft.

These crimes combined with his conviction in an earlier case of two counts of possession of a deadly weapon by a prohibited person resulted in Heater being sent to the Nebraska State Penitentiary for four years. That sentence was handed down on April 13.

Heater’s criminal past includes convictions in the Nebraska counties of Lincoln, Scotts Bluff, Douglas, Morrill, Keith and now Box Butte.

Heater had served time in the Nebraska Penal System a few years ago for possession of a stolen firearm and assault.

With Nebraska’s Good Time law, he may be walking your streets again in two years.

Now page two.

Paul Harvey News congratulates Alliance Times-Herald Publisher Shaun Friedrichsen named as the Outstanding Young Nebraska Journalist. The 29-year-old Friedrichsen was honored at the recent convention of the Nebraska Press Association. The award nominees are judged on professionalism, creativity, and the impact of their work on print journalism

With competition from the internet’s social media and more reputable news organizations, Friedrichsen’s recipe for success is to keep the 139-year-old Times-Herald loaded with local flavor.

Anybody working in the newspaper industry these days is brave.

But being the owner and publisher of a weekly newspaper titles Friedrichsen the most courageous of scribes.

The best news of the past two weeks is the rain that has graced Box Butte County and our surrounding friends. Since April Fool’s Day, just over three inches has been recorded in a rain gauge near Tenth and Platte.

Our corner of the world remains thirsty, though.

Paul Harvey firmly believes in the power of prayer. So, if you have prayed for rain during the past 30 days or so, please continue.

Page three.

The cost of an advanced education continues to rise faster than the price of gasoline.

However, scholarships help ease the pain.

Students don’t receive scholarships unless they apply for them and then are found worthy of receiving the aid.

The most recent graduates of Alliance High School did certainly apply themselves on both counts as roughly six-hundred thousand dollars was awarded to the Class of 2022. Now that, in and of itself, is good reason to toss that cap in the air!

In the sport light, the Nebraska Cornhusker baseball team appears to be riding in a hearse to have their 2022 season buried. The Cornhuskers lost two out of three games to the Big Ten’s last place Minnesota Golden Gophers over the weekend.

Will Bolt’s boys, favored to win the Big 10, are currently in tenth place in the league of 14. Qualification for the Big 10 Tournament – to be played over Memorial Day weekend – requires a team to finish in the conference’s top eight.

One sarcastic Facebook poster stated that Nebraska not qualifying for the Big Ten Tournament – which will be played only a few miles away in Omaha – is more than a jolt. He says it’s the same as looking out your bedroom window and seeing your cousin in your backyard sunbathing with your girlfriend.

Our for what it’s worth department shares this quote from County Clerk of the District Court Kevin Horn. Horn congratulates the graduating members of the Class of 2022 with this thought: You are now one step closer to paying taxes like the rest of us.

Paul Harvey.

Good day!”