Talk about Christ

A Canadian survey of churches and individuals listed seven areas of faith practices. Asked to list their importance were these areas:

Regular worship attendance and giving generously

Personal Bible study and group Bible Study

Talking about one’s faith with those who aren’t part of your church and/or believers

Parents talking with their children about faith

Living out faith in all aspects of one’s daily life

Those who had positive answers to these practices were in growing churches. Those who did not do these faith practices were in declining or not growing churches. Now, this is not a test or a requirement for being a Christian, but responses did show that non-believers respond to the actions of Christian faith.

Christians think like Christ, talk like Christ, act like Christ. And, it makes a difference in our example to others. In Deuteronomy, chapter 6, Israelites were told to talk about God’s truths to their children. Verse 7 says, “Talk to them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Try it! It may change lives!