News You Don’t Want to Hear

I reckon most of us have their favorite news channel that they like to watch and maybe some completely avoid the news? Some channels are maybe a little softer and maybe some a little harsher, some a little more dependable and some maybe less?

It is kind of same in our spiritual lives. we can listen to stations of satan who always says, “No big deal here,” or maybe say, “Everything will be alright,” he might even say, “Christians are radical and haters?”

Satan will avoid telling you that he just wants to take you to hell some day. He might even tell you go out and have all the pleasure that you can find for that is what life is all about? Now if you flip channels you might hear some news that you don’t want to hear at first but then becomes your greatest blessing. God’s Channel says,” I want to save you, forgive you, and give you abundant life.”

God will say, “I know you have sinned and done wrong but I am willing to forgive anyone who is willing to repent of their sin.” God will clean up your conscience.

Quite a 180 degree turn from the way our world operates. Don’t be scared to listen to His Words for they are life indeed, all because He loves us!