
In Matthew 16:18, Jesus said He was going to build His church. How important is His church in our life? I heard a popular speaker say, “I don’t have anything to do with any church, but I love Jesus.” I suppose that statement should have included a definition of “church.” The term in its origin means “the called out ones.” Mention of the church in Scripture has reference to more than in a group of people meeting together.

Before the Apostle Paul’s conversion, Acts 8:3 tells us he was trying to destroy the church. Acts 12:5, tells us the church prayed. Other Scriptures tell us of the church meeting together: Acts 14:23 and 27, Acts 15:22. In the Bible the book of Corinthians was written to the “Church of God.” The book of Ephesians is more specific about the church. Ephesians 1:22, says Christ is the head over the church and verse 23 says the church is Christ’s body. Ephesians 3:10, says God’s wisdom is made known through the church. Colossians 1:18 and 24, calls the church Christ’s body. Philemon talks about the church that meets in Philemon’s home.

The church, the called out ones, is important when we regard the Bible as the true word from God. We need the church. Are you a part of God’s church meeting together?