Dose of Modern Medicine

We are blessed to have such good medications in our modern day world. I reckon many prescriptions are written daily for infection control. Before we go to the doctor we have symptoms of some kind, fever, discharge, skin redness, etc.

These medications go to work and usually we are back to our old self. Left untreated infections will have a serious affect on our life even leading to death. In our Spiritual life we can be very blind to our symptoms, very unknowing. We might not think too much of complaining, gossiping, and hating because they kind of come naturally. We might not think too much of our selfish ways or our greedy ways. The Bibles says, “God comes only to those who know they need a doctor.”

IF you think you don’t need a doctor or more yet God, you are in a deeper pit than you realize. God is the greatest physician of all times and it does not matter what sin you are infected with He holds the cure and healing for you.

There is only one difference with God He loves you too much to let you go back to your old selves, He gives you new life where you will never be the same again but you will also have more truth and peace than you have ever beheld before, all because He loves you more than you will ever know.