NRD Basin Tour Explores Panhandle

Approximately 50 directors and staff from Nebraska’s Natural Resources Districts (NRDs) convened in Scottsbluff for the annual NRD Basin Tour hosted by the South Platte, North Platte and Upper Niobrara White NRDs June 6-7, 2022.

“We get far less rain than the rest of state, which makes for unique challenges in natural resources management,” said Scott Schaneman, North Platte NRD general manager. “The Panhandle NRDs have diverse responsibilities and programs that include water conservation, forestry, range management and even flood control. The annual basin tour is a great opportunity to highlight our efforts and showcase western Nebraska.”

Schaneman, along with South Platte NRD General Manager Galen Wittrock and Upper Niobrara White NRD General Manager Pat O’Brien, led the two-day tour showcasing several projects that protect lives, property and the future in western Nebraska including water recharge, habitat restoration and forestry in the Pine Ridge.

Traditionally, the educational tour includes NRD directors and staff and conservation partners.

“Basin tours give NRD directors a unique look at the conservation challenges that are being faced around the state,” said Jim Eschliman, Nebraska Association of Resources Districts past president and Lower Loup NRD director. “It is interesting to see the diversity of the NRDs and how local boards meet the challenges to benefit their communities and the state.”

The tour included several stops and tours of conservation projects that protect both urban and rural natural resources. Some of the 2022 tour highlights included:

Enterprise Canal Diversion Project (Mitchell)

Tri-State Surface Water Diversion at the North Platte River (Henry)

Sidney Bioretention Project (Sidney)

South Platte River Compact and Canal Project Overview

Chimney Rock (Bayard)

North Platte NRD Greenhouse (Scottsbluff)

Minatare Diversion Project (Minatare)

Lake Minatare Lighthouse (Minatare)

Nine Mile Creek Rehab and Hatchery (Minatare)

Pine Forest Restoration and Thinning in Chadron State Park (Chadron)

The NRD Basin Tour explores a different water basin each year. The hosting NRDs showcase conservation projects, partnerships and the local communities in which they live and work.