Funny Dreams

I had a funny dream last night. I woke up with the thought in my head that I had nothing, was nothing, and had no personality at all. It felt kind of funny and maybe I was a little fearful and maybe angered? I remembered this dream when I woke up and felt like I should write about it.

It is true that I brought nothing into the world and I sure won’t take nothing with me. The Bible also says, “Apart from God I have no good thing.” I think the most blessed people in the world are those who know nothing but Jesus Christ. What a wonderful life to know nothing except Jesus Christ. Just think when one knows nothing except Jesus Christ, one will not be condemning anyone else. One will not try to outdo someone else or compare themselves to someone else. One will overcome hatred, one will overcome self-centeredness, greed, pride, and the like. One will overcome fear because Christ in you is stronger than what is in the world.

Yes I do believe we are nothing apart from Christ but with Christ we have everything we need and more to live this life. It is very sad that many people in this world are not living but just existing, full of fear, lust, greed, hatred, and discord. A life you don’t want to live in.

I hope I can live this day knowing nothing but Jesus Christ, then I know I will have a shield and refuge from whatever happens, all because He loves us sinful humans. May God Bless You!