Reflections for the Week of July 5-7


• Finished the three phase rebuild project north of Lincoln Road east of Hwy 87.

• Starting a rebuild of the alley west of the High School, 14ᵗʰ to 16ᵗʰ street.

• Replacing various defective poles in our system.

• Repaired/replaced numerous issues on the streetlight circuit on Laramie Ave north of 10ᵗʰ Street.

• Installed new banners on Box Butte Avenue.

• Installed the temporary power for the Heritage Days carnival worker’s trailers.

• Performed repairs/maintenance on two irrigation well transformer banks.

Community Development:

• Planning Commission July 12 Meeting will have the public hearing for the Heartland Flats TIF request for a proposed apartment-hotel with retail space which would be located south of Runza and west of the Holiday Inn.

• Issued a Certificate of Occupancy for the fire damaged house at 1036 Missouri and removed it from our distressed properties list.

• Issued a Certificate of Occupancy for Tipsys outdoor bar at 310 E 3rd.

• Issued in June:

o 47 Building Permits

o 11 Plumbing and Mechanical Permits

o 9 Zoning Permits


• Walk-through of the new fire training facility following installation.

• Provided fire protection stand-by for the public fireworks display at Laing Lake.

• Preparing for the “Insurance Services Office Public Protection Classification Survey” which is scheduled for July 19.


• Hosted the Member/Guest tournament over the weekend where 52 teams participated.

• Play continues to be strong.

• Junior Golf continued this week with two weeks remaining.


• Replaced 20 irrigation heads that were damaged by vandals over the 4th of July weekend.

• Trimming the entire Cemetery again this week. Catching up on mowing after a short week.

• Cleaning up the 3rd and Box Butte mini-park in preparation for Heritage Days.

• Met with the engineer and contractor regarding corrections to the Softball improvement project.

• Spraying to control weed growth.

• Cleaned the sidewalks and gutters along the pedestrian underpass on 3rd Street following the rains.


• Storms have caused some issues with equipment but it is all back up and running consistently now.

• Night swim was added to the schedule but will not be offered during Heritage Days due to extremely low attendance in past years.


• Staff created a display for National Grilling Month. Come in and check out a cookbook from this collection.

• Staff is enjoying seeing the winners of the Wonka Bar contest. We will continue selling Wonka Bars until Heritage Days.

• Adult summer reading fun continues with the punch card contest. Fill your card with five book checkouts to have a chance at winning a great prize to one of our local businesses. Staff will have surveys at the circulation desk for patrons to complete regarding what types of lasses they would like to see offered at the library. We are hoping to have a very creative fall, so fill out a survey and help us make plans!


• Visitor numbers have steadily risen each week including many using our Heritage Room to research their family history and local connections.

• We did major rearranging and updating on several displays.

• We added many new artifacts into their appropriate Exhibits including several new items from the Sisters of St. Francis Marian Residence.

• Be sure and check our summer exhibit of Fisher Price toys and Jason Wentworth’s PEZ collection. This display runs through August.

• We added a new Memorial family tree plaque in the Heritage Room in Memory of Monte Morrison.

• The Partners restocked the Gift Shop with many new items. We also now carry a new local book by Cheri Hopkins and Ruby Coleman, “Legacy of African Americans in Western Nebraska”. This is a two-volume set with extensive history of local African American families. Come and check out the many books about our area, many by local authors. We also carry a complete line of Alliance & Nebraska souvenirs.

• Nebraska Humanities Council Speakers Bureau historians Charlotte & Kevin Endorff gave a stirring program “Kind Nebraskans: A story of WW II & the Holocaust”. We appreciate our association with the Humanities Council and their wonderful presenters.

• Had a visit from the DAR State Librarian for her review of our supplemental DAR Library. Many new books have been added to make this a wonderful resource for people doing research to join DAR or research for their family in Colonial times.


• Interviewing for a new Utility Service Office Manager.


• According to Facebook and E-News, Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis visited Carhenge!

• Carhenge has been recognized by Tripadvisor as a 2022 Travelers’ Choice award winner for the third consecutive year!

• Successful fireworks display on Independence Day at Laing Lake. A special thanks to Nick Paradeis and his group of volunteers, as well as to city staff for making this a successful event!

Police Admin:

• Know Your Force Follow Up Meeting. Central Square Attorney porta meeting. Datalytics Meeting. PAARI Meeting. South Central 911. IT Advisory Committee Meeting.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 653 calls for service.

• Completed 6 report requests.

• 0 firearms permit issued.

Police Operations:

• 6 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 1 DUI, 13 Traffic Stops.

• 5 accidents.

• 1 K9 deployments.

• 156 Building Checks.

• 28 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 28 Vacation House Checks.

• 25 Active Investigations.

Animal Control:

• 25 Animal Calls.

• 4 Dog Impounds. 0 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 1 Cat Impounds. 1 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 3 Code enfoncement issues.

Notable Service:

• Fourth of July patrol and events.

• All four recently purchased used Tahoes have received their Alliance graphics and are now in service.

• “BolaWraps” received, and will be implemented by the department as appropriate following training in their use.


• The Nebraska Department of Labor will be assisting the BBDC in conducting a Drive-Thru Job Fair, tentatively scheduled for August 31st. Please reach out to Chelsie Herian at the BBDC for details on how to advertise your vacancies in this event.

• Reviewing Leadership Box Butte applications.