Reflections for the Week of Aug. 8-12


• Perform load control on irrigation wells. Performed maintenance/repair on a number of irrigation well transformer banks.

• Completed a maintenance project on Box Butte Ave, from 14th to 18th Street.

• Repaired/replaced numerous streetlights.

• Replacement bucket truck arrived.

• Performing repairs/replacement of items found by pole inspection contractor.

Police Admin:

• Meeting with state patrol regarding ODMAP, IACP Human Trafficking Meeting, Central Square.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 532 calls for service.

• Completed 4 report requests.

• 1 firearms permit issued.

Police Operations:

• 4 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 1 DUI, 8 Traffic Stops.

• 3 accidents, 2 of which were in parking lots.

• 0 K9 deployments.

• 54 Building Checks.

• 30 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 1 Vacation House Checks.

• 11 Active Investigations.

Animal Control:

• 37 Animal Calls.

• 4 Dog Impounds. 4 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 1 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 20 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Retrieval of stolen AK-47 and ammunition.

• Joined the “One Mind” Campaign. Visit for more information.

• Alliance Police Department has won the 2022 Leadership in Victim Services Award from the International Association of Chiefs of Police.

• Maintaining 90% satisfaction rating with numerous new comments.


• The City received the second half of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds in the amount of $716,092 this week.

• Welcome to Tara Stanec who has assumed the role of Utility Office Manager and to Cindy Baker who will start as the new City Treasurer on August 15th.

• Budget hearings and the first reading of its related ordinance will be conducted at the council meeting at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, August 16, 2022. Meetings are held at the Alliance Public Library.

Chamber of Commerce:

• The Alliance Chamber Ambassadors held a ribbon cutting at Will’s Insurance.

• Worked on Game Nite to be held at West Side Event Center on Saturday, August 20. Game Nite includes Pizza, Puzzle and a beverage or Music BINGO.

Community Development:

• 49 Building Permits issued in July with a total improvement valuation of $758,125.

• 10 Plumbing and Mechanical Permits issued.

• 9 Fence Permits issued.

• Tipsy Dixie’s/Derby’s Food Court was issued their Certificate of Occupancy for their outdoor bar and gathering area.

• Berean Church has started drywall.

• No July Board of Adjustment meeting.

• August 9th Planning Commission meeting had a Conditional Use Permit application for a residential photovoltaic (solar) system install, which was approved.

• Council will consider approval of a multi-use development to be located adjacent to the Holiday Inn Express and Runza restaurant at its upcoming August 16th meeting.

Public Works:

• School paintings and markings have been completed. Painting of lines and curbs have been completed throughout town. Paint was in short supply this year, so we may not have reached all areas that are normally painted.

• All regulatory signs in school zones have been updated to current MUTCD standards.

• Pothole patching around school zones have been completed.

• Concrete project on 14th and Toluca is completed. Concrete project in progress on 5th and Missouri.

• Jetted 7,845ft of sewer main.

• Camera recorded 365ft of Sewer Main.

• Water/Sewer and Streets employees assisted the Senior Center with the Mobile Food Truck.

• 2 Water taps completed.

• 297 customers at the Landfill.

• 486.14 tons of refuse collected.

• 545 riders for Public Transit.

• Soon we will implement a new transit dispatch software which will allow us to improve routing and reduce fuel consumption. More details to come.


• Hosted a meeting on the taxiway and apron rehabilitation project. All parties are preparing for a mid September start to this project pending FAA funding, which is anticipated for September 1st.

• Concrete replacement work around some of the hangars has begun. We will have four areas with panel replacements.


• The Heritage Room had amassed our collection of Alliance High School Spuds Newspapers and St. Agnes Alumni Letters. We are looking to fill out the years that we are missing. If you have any of these items, and think you would be able to help us with that, please call Becci at 762-2384.

• Assisted multiple individuals and groups with research regarding topics and family history.


• BBGH tournament was successful. There were 34-four man teams that participated.

• Staff aerified and sanded the greens on Monday and Tuesday.

• Play continues to be steady as weather permits.

Parks Division:

• Adding dirt and leveling around the tennis courts.

• Prepared the horse shoe boxes at Knight Park. Mowed, and trimmed for a tournament this weekend.

• Mowed and trimmed the disc golf fairways, tee pads, and signs for a tournament this weekend.

• Assisted the Senior Center with unloading the food truck and distributing food.

• Cleaned the fountain and added chemical.

• Sprayed 3rd street underpass, 10th St. overpass, the RV dump, and Bower Park drainage.

• Painted over graffiti at Bower Park and the bird house.

• Another successful season has concluded at the Big Blue Bay! One might say that the season went swimmingly! Thank you to our lifeguards and to all who came to beat the heat this summer.

• We thank our seasonal staff for helping to tackle our large parks system. Many of our seasonal employees have left to return to school.


• Updating the library’s Facebook page and website.

• Organization of the non-fiction section continues, with dated materials being weeded out to make room for new fall titles.

• The New Adult Fiction display now contains all the book club kits the library owns for checkout.

• The bookstore remodel is continuing, with a re-opening date anticipated for early this fall.