AHS Announces New Hall of Fame Inductees

The Activities Hall of Fame is organized as a way of maintaining the rich heritage and tradition of the successful activity programs at Alliance High School. The Hall of Fame will serve as a means of recognizing, preserving, and honoring the athletes, performers, coaches, sponsors, directors, contributors and alumni who made significant contributions to activity programs. The Activities Hall of Fame will help maintain the spirit, pride, and sense of community, as well as serving as a historical account of the great activity traditions of Alliance High School.

The selection committee meets once a year to vote on new members. In order for nominee to be inducted, the nominee must receive at least a 75% majority vote from the selection committee members in attendance.

On Aug. 4 the selection committee met and reviewed 40 outstanding applications. The list currently contains 22 state champions or first team all-state athletes. 21 different nominations received at least one vote from committee members. The new nominations this year made the process extremely difficult for the committee. Finally, three athletes, one performer and one coach were settled on to represent this year’s class.

Jeff Colwell was an athlete from the Class of 1988. He was a two-time state wrestling champion in 1987 and 1988.

Dan Farrington was an athlete from the Class of 1955. He is the current 200m record holder. He was a member of the 1955 state champion track team as he recorded gold medals in the 100 and the 880 relay.

Ryan Lovell was a performer from the Class of 1992. He was selected as the outstanding actor that season. Ryan is the second performer to be inducted into the Hall of Fame.

Kory Piihl was an athlete from the Class of 1987. He was a two-time state wrestling champion in 1986 and 1987.

Dave Sautter was the winningest girl’s basketball coach in school history. He also coached the only state championship in that sport for Alliance.