Point of Rock Chapter NSDAR Minutes

Point of Rock Chapter of NSDAR, met for a dessert meeting at the home of Linda Sutphen. There were eight members and guest present. A delicious dessert was served with a red white and blue theme.

Our business meeting was called to order by Regent Audrey Hoerler at 1:20 p.m., leading us in the Opening Ritual and Pledge of Allegiance.

President General’s Message. Our new President General, Pamela Rouse Wright, asked us to rejoice in Our DAR ties of Service and Friendship. It was wonderful to reunite in our House Beautiful for the 131st Continental Congress after three years apart. She hopes that we will take the time this fall to enjoy the fellowship of chapter members as we work together to advance historic preservation and patriotism. Help new members find their niche in our organization and thank those who give so generously of their time.

Indian Minutes: Northwest Coast/Plateau- These Native Americans were known for their houses made of cedar planks as well as their totem poles. Tribes include the Nez Perce, Salish, and the Tlingit.

National Defense: A cause of celebration- July 7,2022, was a great day for the nation and military women; Brigadier General Wilma L. Vaught was awarded the Presidential Medal of Honor by President Biden. After 29 years of exemplary and trailblazing service in the Air Force, she devoted another 29 years to building and operating America’s only major Memorial to honor military women. She describes this as the most important thing she has ever done.

Secretary’s Report was accepted as read.

Business: If you have a Quilt of Valor we would like to display them on 11-11-2022, Veterans Day, they will be hung on 11-7 and removed 11-14. Please drop them off 9 a.m. on the first day at FNBO.

By unanimous consent Colleen Garner will be our Vice Regent.

Program: Pepper Roberson, niece of Linda Sutphen, told us her story of how she is living in Chadron and of her pursuit of DAR membership. We welcome her to our chapter.

We thanked Linda for being our hostess. Our next hostess is Linda Lebeda on Oct. 1. Meeting adjourned at 2:20 p.m.