Playing Fair

Napoleon was reported as saying, “War is 25 percent physical and 75 percent will.” Now I don’t know if that was really true or not, but it could be.

Everybody living probably wants to have a good day today. What will be the obstacles? Our beliefs will have a profound outcome of our day. You might say, “Well if everybody will play fair, I’ll have a good day.”

I like that playing fair but it is by no means easy but sure rewarding. I will be tempted to snap back at any kind of verbal accusation. I will be tempted to take the lion’s share in any kind of business transaction. I might be tempted to listen in on some juicy gossip that might not even be true. Jesus never played fair, He always gave Himself totally so that we could be free from that deadly sin which likes to take over.

Jesus always gave of Himself even though He could have overtaken His enemies. He was truly a Humble Servant and that is what He wants to make of us, so that we can have a worthwhile day and sleep well tonight with a clearer conscience with love and peace and an embarkment to Salvation.

He gave all so that we would not have to suffer damnation. What a Savior and He even did it for little ol’ you and I.