French-Collins Named Interim Dean of Business, Math, and Science

Dr. Shaunda French-Collins has been named Chadron State College’s Interim Dean of Graduate Studies and the School of Business, Math, and Science, Vice President Jim Powell announced Tuesday. French-Collins replaces Dr. Wendy Waugh, who will be the Dean of Graduate Studies at Nebraska Wesleyan University.

“Dr French-Collins has distinguished herself in the classroom and possesses strong leadership qualities. She is currently participating in the Emerging Leaders Program sponsored by the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, and she’ll be able to translate that experience into her role as the Interim Dean,” Powell said.

French-Collins is a familiar face at Chadron State College. Since beginning her teaching career in 2011 at CSC, she has sponsored several successful events that brought the campus and community together, including The Big Event. Most recently, French-Collins was a Professor of Communication Arts and Department Chair, as well as Chadron State College’s Teaching Excellence Award winner in 2021.

“I am excited to serve as the Interim Dean this academic year,” French-Collins said. “I look forward to continuing to support students, faculty and staff across campus.”

French-Collins received her bachelor’s in public relations from Northwest Missouri State University in 2006. In 2009 she earned her master’s in speech communication from the University of Central Missouri and attained her Doctorate of Philosophy in communication studies from the University of Southern Mississippi in 2015.

Powell said a national search for the Dean position will begin later this fall.