Nebraska Cattlemen Board of Directors Elects Hanson as President

Last week, during Annual Convention, the Nebraska Cattlemen Board of Directors elected Steve Hanson of Elsie, Nebraska, to serve as President.

Steve Hanson is a fourth-generation cattle producer who owns and operates Hanson Farms with his wife, son, and grandkids. The Hansons also own the Sillassen Ranch in Arthur, Nebraska, where they run a cow-calf operation and raise Angus/Simmental-cross calves for their feedlot.

Executive Director of Nebraska Cattlemen, Pete McClymont, stated, “We are grateful for Steve Hanson’s willingness to sacrifice time away from his operation to serve his fellow Nebraska beef producers. Nebraska Cattlemen is proud to have Steve in our leadership as his previous work with the Nebraska Beef Council, Federation of State Beef Councils, and USMEF make him a great fit for this role.”

Nebraska Cattlemen President Steve Hanson said, “As President, one of my main goals is to help pull the many segments of the cattle community in the same direction for the betterment of agriculture. We all must work together to solve the problems on the horizon. Commonsense leadership may not solve all of our problems, but we can certainly work on the answers.” He continued, “I look forward to working alongside Nebraska beef cattle producers as we continue to keep Nebraska’s beef industry a global powerhouse.”

Prior to his current position as President of Nebraska Cattlemen, he previously served as chair of the Nebraska Beef Council and the Federation of State Beef Councils. He serves on the Board of Directors for the U.S. Meat Export Federation.

Steve Hanson began his one-year term as Nebraska Cattlemen President on Friday, December 9, 2022.