Newberry’s Sees Adult Prom

The second annual adult prom fundraiser was hosted Friday evening at Newberry’s. This year not only was there an adult prom but on Thursday afternoon prom was held for the residents of Highland Park Care Center and the Hemingford Community Care Center.

Thank you to the Alliance Rec Center for such a beautiful idea in letting us get a VIP sneak peek to their Adult Prom decorations at the Newberry’s. Another HUGE thank you to Ed Salazar and his Lineman School gentlemen who escorted our residents on the dance floor. Today we were privileged to share an incredible memory-making event with our family reminding us that we are Highland Park CARE Center,” stated Highland Park.

Saturday afternoon The ARC hosted Daddy Daughter prom at Newberry’s a good time was had by all daddies and daughters in attendance.

We had a blast over the last few days hosting prom to seniors, adults, and to daddies and daughters! It was a collaborative, community effort with Highland Park Care Center, Hemingford Home, Dairy Queen, Harris Sales, Melissa Kimmel Photo & Video, the WNCC Lineman crew, Newberry’s, Steph’s Studio, Keep Alliance Beautiful, BBDC, Redman’s, ElectroWave Entertainment, Troy Nickens & DJ Kmplete, Holiday Inn, Alliance Times Herald, Hemingford Ledger, and Eagle Communications. We appreciate all the patrons who attended and helped make such a magical community event! The money raised at this event will go a long way to purchasing a van for our ARC AfterSchool & Summer Camp students,” state Alliance Recreation Director, Mara Andersen.