City of Alliance Receives Funding from ACE

ACE, the Public Alliance for Community Energy, is distributing $12,377 to the City of Alliance as its share of $200,000 being distributed through ACE’s revenue return program to the 76 Nebraska member communities of the not-for-profit, community-owned natural gas supplier.

At the direction of the ACE Board, The City of Alliance has received $263,000 since the inception of ACE, for community betterment use. Since then the City has used these funds to assist with a suicide awareness and prevention training; purchase umbrellas and octopus at Big Blue Bay; construct Hal Murray Softball Complex sidewalks and protective backstop fencing; replace Senior Center windows; install Bower Park sprinkler system; expand the Rolling Prairie Disc Golf Course; assist with purchase of the holiday decorations for 3rd Street; and contribute toward the outside play equipment for the Alliance Recreation Center.