Blast from the Past March 8, 2023

130 Years Ago

March 10, 1893

A car load of fine imported stallions from the stables of Joseph Watson & Co., of Beatrice, are for sale at Gadis’ Livery barn. Farmers and horsemen should make it a point to call and see these excellent animals before purchasing. Joseph Watson & Co. are among the oldest importers in the state and their horses have won more prizes at state fairs in the last five years than other competitors. These horses will be sold on easy terms and every horse guaranteed.

125 Years Ago

March 11, 1898

J. J. Lyon has made all the money he wants out of the grocery business (we suppose), and sold his stock to C. W. Jeffries. Mr. Jeffries has for a partner in the business his brother, T. J., who arrived a couple of weeks ago from Iowa. We wish the firm of Jeffries Bros. much success.

120 Years Ago

March 6, 1903

A smooth individual whose present appellation is Alfred C. Larkins thought to provide himself with a pair of shoes from the stock of W. W. Norton yesterday morning, and he also neglected to provide for present or subsequent payment. He was nabbed in the act, and taken before Judge Wilcox, who is not unduly sympathetic for law-breakers.

115 Years Ago

March 6, 1908

M. M. Kelley has been having quite a serious time for the past few weeks with his hand, which was injured in a runaway several years ago. It had become so painful of late that he submitted to an operation and had the bone scraped. It is now thought that he will soon have the use of the injured member.

110 Years Ago

March 7, 1913

O. O. Baker, who has a photograph gallery over the Drake meat market, met with the first accident with flash powder since he entered the business 29 years ago. He was taking a wedding group at the F. J. Brennan home and had fixed a fuse a pan of powder. He thought the fuse had gone out and reached down to pull it out intending to insert another. Just then it went off, the left hand receiving the full force of the explosion. The flesh of his hand and fingers burned so that it will peal away. The nails on the burned fingers have also dropped out. Burns of this kind are always slow to heal and it may be two months before he is able to use his hand again.

105 Years Ago

March 8, 1918

Although several days have passed since a new born baby girl was found on the plains just west of Antioch, no clue is to be obtained as to its identity or the identity of the mother, who evidently choked the infant to death and left it in the deserted spot to hide her crime.

100 Years Ago

March 6, 1923

The Ford coupe owned by R. L. Johnstone, salesman for Paxton & Gallagher company of Omaha, was stolen from in front of the Alliance hotel Saturday night while Mr. and Mrs. Johnstone were at dinner in the Palm room of the hotel.

95 Years Ago

March 6, 1928

Entering unannounced and without ceremony into a room at the rear of the Rodgers rooming house Sunday morning Chief of Police Horton and Patrolman E. B. Minnick took into custody eight men, whom they charged with gambling.

90 Years Ago

March 7, 1933

Box Butte county is 46 years old today, it was recalled this morning by County Judge Ira E. Tash, one of the thinning ranks of real old-timers who were in the territory when that notable event took place.

It was on March 7, 1887, that the residents of lower Dawes county straddled horses or drove in buggies or wagons to their nearest precinct polling place and voted to form a separate county of the southern half of the county which then comprised almost the same area as Sheridan county does now.

85 Years Ago

March 8, 1938

Charged with car theft, Lyle Pebley and Fred Thompkins appeared for a preliminary hearing before Judge Penrose E. Romig in county court. Entering a plea of guilty, they were bound over to district court.

80 Years Ago

March 9, 1943

Alliance business concern are approaching the place where they will have to get more help or close their doors, despite the rapidly expanding volume of business resulting from an increased population servicing and in training at the Army Air Base.

75 Years Ago

March 9, 1948

Many boys and girls in Alliance are sporting fancy new reflector “scotchlite” tape on their bicycles these days as a result of the Rotary club’s plan to make bicycling more safe. The tape is installed free by city police at the station. All youngsters who have not yet had the tape put on their bicycles are asked to come to the police station as soon as possible.

70 Years Ago

March 7, 1953

Hanson N. Murray of Alliance, former Alliance High School vocational agriculture teacher and for the past two years instructor of the veteran’s agriculture class at Hemingford, was appointed Box Butte County superintendent of schools. Murray succeeds the late C. E. McCafferty who died two weeks ago after serving the county as superintendent since 1935.

65 Years Ago

March 8, 1958

The name of the show was Stars of Tomorrow, but the judges rated all the performers as stars of today.

The judges declared a tie for first place between Robyn Burnham, Alliance vocalist, and Leila Lewis, baton twirler from Lusk, Wyo. These two divided first and second prize money totaling $85. Third place went to Carol Nelson, Alliance pianist, who received $25 in the Kiwanis-sponsored contest.

60 Years Ago

March 8, 1963

Graduation students from the Vocational School of Practical Nursing will be held Sunday, March 17, at the multipurpose room in central School. Miss Helen Merryfield, RN and director of the school will announce the Graduates. Graduates from Alliance include: Carol Jeannette Colline and Jane Elizabeth Hutton.

55 Years Ago

March 8, 1968

Charles Coble of Alliance, engineering assistant for the Panhandle Rural Electric Association, is attending an engineering seminar in Grand Island today. The seminar is sponsored by the Job Safety and Training Committee of the Nebraska Rural Electric Association.

50 Years Ago

March 8, 1973

Old Jenkins Butler sat sadly on the edge of an overturned oil drum, chewing contemplatively on the stub of a half smoked cigar, as he watched his home of some 40 years, literally go up in smoke. Fire Chief L. E. “Bus” Overstreet, reported that 22 men fought the fire that ultimately totally damaged the house.

45 Years Ago

March 8, 1978

A six-foot section of portable tower is hoisted up to a pair of Northwestern Bell workmen putting together a temporary tower at the Nebraska Educational Television station east of Angora. The Channel 13 antenna will be transferred to the top of the 100-foot tower. Raising the antenna to the top of the temporary tower is expected to improve Channel 13 reception in Alliance and other parts of the viewing area.

40 Years Ago

March 8, 1983

Third District Congresswoman Virginia Smith spoke at an Alliance Rotary Club luncheon Monday at the Drake Hotel. The Congresswoman spoke to Rotary and Kiwanis Club members about legislation the Appropriations Committee is considering. Smith has served in the U. S. Congress for nine years.

35 Years Ago

March 8, 1988

Rev. William Shaner Jr., president of the Box Butte County Ministerial Association (BBCMA), makes some comments to a group of about 75 people attending a Community Prayer Breakfast at the Alliance Elks Club. The theme of the breakfast was “A New Beginning” for the city’s second hundred years. The program included several religious songs sung by Dee Pope and brief remarks were made by Lou Franchetti of the Panhandle Labor Coalition, Alliance Mayor Rich Robb and Dr. Donald Taylor Jr., president of the Alliance Area Chamber of Commerce. The breakfast was sponsored by the BBCMA and the Alliance Kiwanis Club.

30 Years Ago

March 8, 1993

St. Agnes Academy students attended their annual dance marathon Saturday in the Holy Rosary Parish Center gym. These students dance to some rap music. One of the dances the students attempted to learn was the Billy Ray Cyrus Achy-Breaky Heart line dance.

25 Years Ago

March 9, 1998

“One day after being sworn in (in front of the Nebraska Supreme Court), I joined my father in his practice.” Albert Reddish was admitted to the bar in February 1948 and began practicing law. He returned to Alliance where he was born and raised, to work alongside his father Robert O. Reddish.

Glen Fiebig joined him in the practice in January 1954, followed by Alan Curtiss in September 1958. The firm of Reddish, Fiebig and Curtiss continued until Fiebig became a county judge in 1972. Reddish and Curtiss were joined by A. James Moravek in 1973. Moravek also is a native of the area. They were joined by Tom Danehey, an associate, in 1978, and Terry Curtiss in 1981. Reddish left that firm in January 1985 and joined M. Roger Schneekloth, who became county attorney in 1992. Since then Reddish has continued his practice alone.

20 Years Ago

March 8, 2003

For the first time in its history, the Alliance Volunteer Fire Department’s Junior Fire Patrol has students who are considered special-need students. This year’s fifth-grade participants include Central Elementary student Jeremy Fifield, who is blind, and Grandview Elementary student Misty Welch, who has cerebral palsy. AVFD Public Information Officer Garry Bauer said that they are proud to have Fifield and Welch participate because it is important for people to know that, just because the children have special needs, this does not mean they cannot or should not learn about fire prevention and safety.

15 Years Ago

March 8, 2008

Couples get into the swing of things during the Panhandle Country Music Associations (PCMA) monthly Jamboree. A live band made up of gentlemen Herb Plant, Paul Evans, Larry Holub and Ken Hamilton kept everyone dancing during the Homestead Days themed dance and dinner. Homestead Days was a PCMA jamboree theme started in 1987, when Nebraska celebrated its 125th birthday. Those attending were encouraged to dress in older style clothing and older songs were played.

10 Years Ago

March 8, 2013

Working through international humanitarian agency Catholic Relief Services, volunteers at Holy Rosary Catholic Church plan to package thousands of meals this weekend. The project is part of the annual Lenten Rice Bowl tradition. It exists solely to alleviate hunger and poverty efforts around the world as well as local areas.

5 Years Ago

March 7, 2018

Alliance Ambassadors, through the Alliance Chamber of Commerce, welcomed Swanson’s Sweets, located at 1104 Emerson Ave., to the community Monday morning, celebrating their grand opening with a ribbon cutting. Owner Jennifer Swanson, in a previous interview, stated she has at least 20 years of experience baking.