Pheasants Forever to Host CRP Sign-Up Informational Meetings

Pheasants Forever along with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, the Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Farm Service Agency will be hosting landowner meetings around the state. This general CRP sign-up began February 27, 2023 and will continue through April 7. Multiple workshops will be held in the panhandle of Nebraska in March.

Information will be presented to landowners to show the many options of CRP, Continuous CRP, and discussions of updated rental rates. Whether landowners are interested in stopping erosion, increasing habitat for wildlife, or learning about financial assistance for conservation efforts, they are encouraged to talk to any local Farm Bill Wildlife Biologist or attend one of these meetings. There is no charge to attend these meetings.

If you are unable to attend one of these meetings or you would like more information about the CRP sign-up, please contact the Farm Service Agency (FSA) at your local USDA Service Center, or your local Farm Bill Biologist.

Monday March 27, 2023, at Sidney, NE, meeting at the South Platte NRD, 551 Parkland Dr. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.

Tuesday March 28, 2023, at Alliance, NE, meeting at the Alliance Knight Museum, 908 Yellowstone Ave 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.