Students Awarded FFA Highest Degree

Six hundred eighty seven students were awarded the Nebraska State FFA Degree at the 95th annual Nebraska FFA State Convention held March 29-31. The State FFA Degree is the highest degree bestowed by the Nebraska FFA.

The Nebraska State FFA Degree recognizes FFA members who have received the Chapter degree, been active FFA members for at least two years, completed at least four semesters of agricultural science at or above the ninth grade level, maintained a supervised agricultural experience (SAE) program, demonstrated their leadership skills, and have shown a commitment to the FFA through involvement at the chapter level and above.

The 95th annual Nebraska State FFA Convention recorded approximately 7,634 members and guests. Members of the agricultural youth leadership organization spent the week attending leadership workshops, participating in events and activities, being recognized for their achievements, and serving as the legislative body for the Nebraska FFA Association.

Among those students to be awarded were Jett Eggers, Lillian Hasenauer and Hayden McDonald, all of Hemingford, and Catherine Bryner, Delaney Childers, Dezyrae Hausmann, Kaigan McBride and Jayda Meyring, all of Alliance.