Reflections for the Week of April 10-14


• Chief assisted Platte Valley Communications with NRIN connectivity issues at the Toluca water tower.

• Completed Medicare revalidation process.

• Attended the Panhandle PET meeting at the Sidney Fire Department.

• Completed alias name list for the 800 MHz flash code project with Action Communications.

• Chief attended the Scotts Bluff County Mutual Aid Association meeting at the Banner County Fire Department. Alliance is a new member of that association.

Community Development:

• April 11 Planning Commission

o The one and six-year street plan was tabled until the May 9th meeting.

o Public Hearing for the Public Facilities component of the Comprehensive Plan. The Board noted some desired changes and recommended its approval by City Council.

o Public Hearing for the proposed code changes that update definitions in code and makes code changes consistent with the revised Comprehensive Plan. They voted to recommend approval by City Council.

o Public Hearing for the proposed changes to the City Extraterritorial Zoning Jurisdiction. The board recommended bringing the jurisdiction lines into primarily a 1 or 1.5-mile radius around the City discounting the annexation of West Plains Grain and the South BNSF rail yards.

o Discussion about possible rezones proposed by the revised Comp Plan.

• There will be no April 25 Board of Adjustment meeting due to lack of agenda items.


• The City is happy to announce our newest employee, Tyler Gilmore, who has joined the team at the Alliance Municipal Airport as an Airport Maintenance Worker II. Welcome, Tyler!

• Seasonal hiring is in full swing! So far we have on-boarded 4 new Golf employees, 1 Parks employee, and the Pool Manager. Many other seasonal starts are scheduled in Public Works, Parks, Pool, and Carhenge in the next few weeks.

• Interviews for Police Officer were completed with the Police Review Board and Civil Service Commission. Applications for Police officer are still being accepted to fill additional positions.

• Applicant testing was completed for open positions with applications being reviewed in preparation for interviews. Pre-employment screenings also continue for pending hires along with onboarding 1 new fulltime employee.

• Conducted monthly WNHRA meeting with regional HR representatives.

• Continue implementing new processes for HR Management in the HRIS.


• Repairs to dirt streets and alleys around town.

• Vehicle maintenance


• 459 riders.


• Prepared Carhenge utilities for the summer season.

• Weekly water and chlorine samples taken

• Repairs to Lift Stations “A” and “E”

• 13 Work orders.

• 15 locates.


• 562.16 tons of refuse collected.

• 342 customers.


• Continue to make progress on Sarpy Road rebuild project.

• Installed the pipe and transformer basement for the new service at the Heartland Flats development site.

• Performed maintenance and repair on irrigation well transformer banks.

• Repaired or replaced numerous street lights.

• Replaced faulty metering equipment at Thompson Potato in Berea.

Police Admin:

• Meetings: PAARI, PET, Stop the Stops, Microstrategy, CALEA, Drug Education forum, PCAN, Gray Key, Dr. Del Carmen

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 516 calls for service

• Completed 0 report requests

• 2 firearm permits issued

Police Operations:

• 0 K9 deployments

• 3 accidents

• 0 DUI

• 179 Building Checks

• 30 Community Contacts/Business Checks

• 5 Child Welfare Investigations

• 4 Traffic Stops

• 0 Vacation House Checks

• 23 Active Investigations

• 17 Cases Resolved

• 134 SRO Dispositions to date


• 38 Calls for service YTD

• 7 Offers for service YTD

• 18 Active Service YTD

• 9 Medical Service Referrals YTD

• 9 Financial Service Referrals YTD

• 2 Employment Coaching YTD

• 2 Graduates YTD

• 0 Known relapses YTD

Animal Control:

• 22 Animal Calls

• 3 Dog Impounds. 2 dogs currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 0 cats currently in the shelter.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 90%

• Traffic Cameras are up and running and have assisted in solving 2 crimes in under two weeks since the cameras went live. These cameras are monitored using Artificial Intelligence, however footage can be manually reviewed when necessary as in the two cases noted above.

o If you are interested in learning more about the cameras or taking a tour of the police department and dispatch center, please feel free to drop by the police department lobby located at 512 Niobrara.


• Tuesday received notification that our Community For Kids (C4K) Planning Grant application was accepted! This means $10,000 each year for the next 3 years to improve childcare in our county. Funding will be used for peer to peer learning, networking, continuing education, etc.

• Met with UNL to discuss the upcoming public meeting on Saturday, April 22nd 9am-1pm @ Eagles – this is the final public input of the research project

• Hosted our monthly Perfect Blend Tuesday at the ARC with Mara Andersen. Perfect Blend is an opportunity to visit various businesses and agencies in our community to learn about them, as well as to meet new people. Meetings are open to the public!

• Tuesday attended the Hemingford CRA monthly meeting and met with local business owner to discuss the need for housing in Hemingford.

• Finalizing Grandview Elementary Career Day

• Open Trails Public Transit open house held Thursday afternoon

• Attend WNCC Presidential candidate forum and monthly Career Connections zoom meeting on Friday


• One-half of the post-tensioned concrete tennis courts on 18th Street were poured this week with the other half delayed due to Friday’s weather forecast.

• Finalizing improvements at the Museum Tennis courts.


• Library HVAC: Met with the engineer after he evaluated the project progress. They were a little behind but had extra help scheduled for this weekend so they expect to be back at or ahead of schedule after that work is done.

• We have been doing a lot of spring cleaning at the library this week!

• Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart catalogued fiction and non-fiction books for the collection, removed old books from the new shelf, and prepared handouts for the APL Book Club. She also hosted Fiber Arts Club, and added new posts to the podcast corner on our website.

• Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn hosted a “Loads of Laughter” Story Time with special guest,\ Annette Wood, and worked on completing projects for the remainder of this school year. Cynthia also conducted outreach visits featuring Spring and Earth Day to Head Start. Backpack circulation continues to be strong, and children’s displays were transformed from Easter into Spring. For “All Together Now” Summer Reading, Cynthia is compiling packet materials as well as establishing correspondence with those who are sharing programs and events.

• Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson updated the Director’s Report on the website and posted the new Staff Picks for the month of April. She also processed Interlibrary loans, made Bookmobile deliveries, and updated our Facebook and Instagram pages.

• Library Clerks Pam Becker and Kris Wilder have been processing the new Spring collection of books and keeping the circulation desk running smoothly!


• Tyler Gilmor, our new maintenance employee at the airport started on Wednesday. We are very excited to have him on board! Training was the main focus with maintenance staff.

• Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project started on Monday. They anticipate being done with that phase next week and starting on Taxiway B. During the Taxiway B phase, we will close Runway 8/26 during working hours but it will open back up in the evening.

• Passenger counts for March were 367 enplaned and 360 deplaned. This is a new record for March and we hope to see this trend continue.

• Continue working on getting required documents for car rental with Denver Air Connection.

• Van Pelt Fencing started the capital work on the T-Hangar and Maintenance Shop gates. New controller boxes are being installed.

• Participated in multiple meetings regarding a prescribed burn, with the recent ban on fires we will postpone until next Spring.

• Staff took course for recertification of pesticide license.