Jillian Joy Kuntz Obituary

Jillian Joy Kuntz was taken from us on April 14, 2023. She was born is Glendive, MT on Feb.19th,1989 to John and Deb Kuntz. The last of three girls. Her family moved to Alliance, NE when she was just tiny. While growing up there, she made so many lifelong friends who she held near and dear to this day. Before her sophomore year of high school, the family home was sold and they made the move to Missoula, MT in 2004. She continued high school at Hellgate High and Willard Highschool where she was Valedictorian of her graduating class. Jillian moved around between Colorado and Nebraska throughout her years, but always landed back in Missoula with her mom, sisters, nieces, and nephews.

Jillian, Jillywad, Jilly Bean, Pupitar lived her life loving her friends, family, her animals, and caring for others through her job. She was a force to be reckoned with! She would create ridiculous jokes inserting fun wherever she went. If you spent time with her you can still see her focus while assembling origami art, making jewelry, and silly collages from magazines and newspapers. You were most likely the target of her pranks and walked around with a sticky note on your back or got drenched with the sink sprayer that was taped down. You listened to her crazy range of music and you ate a pickle. You left a hotdog bun in your neighbors mailbox. You held one of her rabbits. You ate Taco Bell. She was absolutely unforgettable in so many ways. She was strong, insanely brave, incredibly hilarious, and her beauty matched no other.

Her nieces and nephews will always love and remember her for letting them be their ultimate selves in her presence. She was a big kid at heart who’s inner child shined so bright when she was with them. There are countless friends and family members including her two big sisters, Tracee and Sara, who will forever wish for the clock to travel backward so they can see her smile just one more time. There are countless friends and family members who are waiting anxiously on the other side to see her smile again; most importantly, Deb, her mom who passed away just last year. If there’s anything that eases the pain of Jill’s absence, it’s the comfort of knowing she has her momerito again.

A celebration of life will be organized at a later date. If you are interested in making a donation in her name, you are encouraged to reach out to your favorite Bunny Sanctuary or Animal Shelter.

Cards may be sent to Sara Bond (Kuntz) 1131 Sherwood Missoula, MI 59802 or Tracee Kuntz 327 Livingston Missoula, MI 59801.