Blast from the Past May 24, 2023

130 Years Ago

May 19, 1893

The six-year-old son of Wm. Patton, living about six miles northwest of town, while in company with other boys playing with dynamite cartridges last Saturday, accidentally discharged one of them while holding it in his hand. The ends of the thumb and forefinger were so badly lacerated by the explosion as to require amputation, but the rest of the hand can probably be saved. The youngster’s parents were away from home at the time, but very opportunely for him a neighbor happened to be near and he was brought to town and Dr. Barr dressed the wounded member.

125 Years Ago

May 20, 1898

“The Lavenders” is the appellation by which a couple of circus performers are known who struck Alliance Monday afternoon, giving a street performance with their dogs and charging a small admission to the opera house in the evening. Of course they were fakes as far as merit goes, but for a wonder there was not some medicine or sale scheme in connection to fleece the unwary.

120 Years Ago

May 22, 1903

Fire started shortly after noon Wednesday and the barn at F. M. Raymond’s residence was very nearly destroyed. Children were playing in a large box near-by a few hours previously, and the combination of a small boy and matches furnished the theory for cause. When first discovered, the box was ablaze and communicating the flames to the barn. Fortunately all stock was out, and the barn contained nothing but some harness, hay and grain.

115 Years Ago

May 22, 1908

The dance given by the Ladies’ Guild of the Episcopal church Wednesday evening was well attended. The music was furnished by the three Italians with string instruments. The music was quite an oddity and attracted a great deal of attention.

110 Years Ago

May 23, 1913

J. Parsons of Deadwood who won high score in a blue rock shoot of the Alliance gun club Wednesday, is out with a defy to all amateurs in this section. The scores were as follows: Parson 49 out of 50, Baird 48, Nicolai 47, Laing 47, Showalter 47, J. Nicolai 46, Spencer 46, Deitlein 45, Waters 44.

105 Years Ago

May 24, 1918

Word has reached Alliance of the death of Daniel E. Colvin, former Burlington employee of this city, who was electrocuted in the T. R. & P. substation at Tacoma, Wash. Mr. Colvin had entered the plant shortly after a fire call in which a small blaze started in the plant due to a defective transformer. He was found lying on the floor by two linemen about a half hour afterward. His clothing was burning and his body was badly scorched. All effort to revive the unfortunate man was useless.

100 Years Ago

May 25, 1923

Julia Gaglardi, beautiful Mexican girl, who was shot through the breast with a .38 calibre automatic pistol at the home of William Mack on Sweetwater avenue two weeks ago, left the hospital Thursday morning. Despite the fact that officers are confident that she did not shoot herself, the woman holds to her original story that she did it. County Attorney Romig spent two days the first of the week making a careful investigation of the shooting. It has been brought to light that Mrs. Gaglardi and her sister had had violent quarrels for several days previous to the shooting.

95 Years Ago

May 25, 1928

Upon a plea of guilty that he had committed the heinous crime of attempting an assault on a 5-year old girl, Fred W. Nelson, 33, was sentenced in district court Wednesday to ten years in the state penitentiary at Lincoln. It was a flat sentence at hard labor, with Sundays and holidays excepted. Nelson came to Alliance two months ago from Ponca, Neb., with a woman whom authorities allege is not his wife, although they are said to have been living together here. The man has been working as a coal shoveler.

Police arrested Nelson late Tuesday afternoon near the railroad tracks west of the city when two women living near there saw him with the little girl. These women observed Nelson molesting the tot, and after telephoning to officers, they rushed to its aid. They were just in time to rescue the girl, according to police.

90 Years Ago

May 23, 1933

A splinter of wood which had been drawn into the lungs of Bryan Christensen, farmer of the Sunny Slopes vicinity, when he drew a deep breath after the splinter had flown into his mouth while he was chopping wood is not likely to bother him any more. Friends have been advised that the splinter has been removed at the Clarkson hospital in Omaha by a “vacuum method.”

85 Years Ago

May 24, 1938

Heavy rains and the Snake Creek flood of the past week had so undermined the airport road on each side of the creek bridge, west of Alliance, that when Mrs. George Underwood drove over the bridge Monday evening, a portion of the road collapsed under the weight of her automobile. The resultant jar knocked out two of the front teeth of Mrs. Underwood’s eight-year-old son, Davey Lee, and loosened two others. Mrs. Underwood said she had slowed down as she approached the bridge, for the road was in bad shape and she noticed big holes in it on the other side. Just as the car passed over the bridge, she said, the rear wheels bogged down to the fenders. She summoned the aid of a neighbor Bob Throne, and Mr. Throne, together with Mr. Underwood, managed to get the car out of the hole.

80 Years Ago

May 25, 1943

Mrs. F. A. Todd, Alliance, has joined the army nurses and is now stationed at the Alliance Army Air Base. Mrs. Todd is a graduate of St. Joseph hospital with the class of ‘37 and has since made her home in Alliance.

75 Years Ago

May 25, 1948

Four persons suffered bruises and other injuries and two trucks were badly damaged in an accident on highway No. 19 south of Alliance at about 4:30 p. m. Monday. Deputy Sheriff Fred Shelmadine investigated the accident. He reported that one truck, loaded with gravel, was being driven by John Simpson, and the other, which was empty, was being driven by Rito Vallejo. Simpson told the deputy that Vallejo passed his truck, then cut so sharply in front of him that the two trucks crashed together. Both trucks left the highway on the east side and overturned.

70 Years Ago

May 25, 1953

Fifteen newspapers were awarded certificates for outstanding public relations efforts in 1952 in the third annual Inland Daily Press Association Newspaper Public Relations Contest, sponsored by the William Allen White School of Journalism and Public Information, University of Kansas. Winners received their awards at this morning’s session of the Inland’s 69th Spring meeting. Dean Burton W. Marvin of the school presented certificates to the following: Class A (up to 5,000 circulation): first, Alliance (Neb.) Times-Herald; second, Champaign-Urbana (Ill.) Daily Illini; third Postage (Wis.) Register.

65 Years Ago

May 24, 1958

Marcus C. Roes of Hemingford is in St. Joseph’s Hospital following an accident Friday afternoon at the Home Lumber Co., in Hemingford. Roes was doing repair work on a gravel conveyor when the cable broke. The conveyor fell on his shoulder and arm. Surgery was required to repair damage to muscles and tendons in his right forearm. His condition is reported as satisfactory but he will be hospitalized several days.

60 Years Ago

May 23, 1963

Huntly Gordon, managing editor of The Daily Times-Herald since December, 1960, has resigned effective May 30 to accept a position as news editor of the Davenport, Ia., Evening Times. The Times is a member of Lee Enterprises, which owns newspapers in several states including the Lincoln Star in Nebraska. Gordon, a journalism graduate of Oklahoma State University, worked in the news department of another Lee newspaper, the Billings, Mont., Gazette, before coming to Alliance.

55 Years Ago

May 24, 1968

A nickel will buy four hours of parking time on meters to be placed soon on the new City lot at Fourth and Niobrara – at least for six months.

50 Years Ago

May 24, 1973

Debbie Olson receives her diploma from her father, Dr. Raymond Olson, a member of the Alliance Board of Education. Earlier in the program Debbie played a clarinet solo and then joined the class of 153 seniors in receiving diplomas. Mrs. Larry Curtiss, another board member, participated in handing out of the diplomas to the AHS Class of ‘73.

45 Years Ago

May 26, 1978

Neil Brown, City power plant superintendent, receives an outstanding service award for the Alliance Power Plant for 25 years of assistance to the U. S. Weather Bureau in the measurement of rainfall. Making the presentation at the City Council meeting was Alex Koscielski, chief of the new Alliance radar equipped weather station at the Municipal Airport.

40 Years Ago

May 24, 1983

Donald Kennedy, Jessie Curry, Howard Curtiss, Doug Thomas and Lyle Stephens peer out form the kitchen of the newly-remodeled Senior Citizens Center at 212 Yellowstone. The group has been actively promoting the Center which is being readied for occupancy.

35 Years Ago

May 25, 1988

Doug Shankland, Alliance city employee, works with other employees cleaning the street bricks at 3rd Street and Box Butte Avenue. Instead of having to repair potholes in Alliance’s main thorough-fares, the maintenance to the brick streets requires occasional replacement and reworking due to settling. This part of the street once was covered with asphalt. Shankland is cleaning bricks of the asphalt residue.

30 Years Ago

May 22, 1993

Western Nebraska Community College had its 21st capping ceremony Friday afternoon in the Alliance LPN classroom. Students receiving their caps are Shelli Bruns, Michele Dufek, Debra Glendy, Julie Hoagland, Teresa Richards, Robin Schmidt and Lori War Bonnett.

25 Years Ago

May 23, 1998

James War Bonnett was involved in a work-related accident Tuesday at West Plains Grain: he became entrapped in a floor auger located inside a grain bin. Dr. Glen Forney was requested to assist the extrication of War Bonnett. Dr. Forney determined from the position of War Bonnett’s broken and partially amputated leg that he would have to complete the amputation above the knee. War Bonnett was then stabilized and flown to Scottsbluff where he has undergone further surgery to aid in his recovery.

20 Years Ago

May 24, 2003

Students said goodbye to Central Elementary School on the last day of class Wednesday with a balloon release at the southwest corner of the playground. Furniture and other equipment and materials are already being transferred to Emerson and Grandview elementary schools this week.

15 Years Ago

May 27, 2008

Congressman Adrian Smith visits Alliance Monday morning. Smith said he was not addressing specific issues during his visit, but just wanted to have a chat with people and find out their concerns. One of the topics of discussion was the rising cost of fuel. Later in the day, Smith planned to visit Hemingford, Rushville and Valentine.

10 Years Ago

May 25, 2013

Friday morning in the Performing Arts Center Commons, Alliance Public Schools staff enjoyed an end-of-year appreciation breakfast, hosted in part by the Alliance Chamber of Commerce Education Committee. Incoming Superintendent Dr. Troy Unzicker visits with staff members and allowed time for

any questions in order for members to feel more relaxed with him.

5 Years Ago

May 23, 2018

Nurse Anesthetist Chuck Frisch, CRNA DNP and Surgical Nurse Sarah Troester, RN BSN were part of a 24-member team of volunteers who spent the week of April 21-28 performing 72 surgical procedures on Hondurans who met the SMM income guidelines to qualify for free surgeries (less than $100 a month in income.)