Memorial Day Ceremony Planned at Box Butte County Courthouse, NVCA

By Steve Stanec

District 4 Cdr.

Bob Miller

American Legion Post 7 Cdr

The American Legion Family Post 7, Veterans of Foreign Wars, The Daughters of the American Revolution, the Alliance Fire Department, area Veterans and many others will be gathering at the Veteran’s Memorial on the grounds of the Box Butte County Courthouse, Alliance, on Memorial Day, Monday, May 29, 2023, at 10 a.m., weather permitting, to honor the memory of our fallen warriors. Remembering those who have given everything for their country.

From the American Revolution to our current operations against terrorism, one million or more American men and women have made the supreme sacrifice while serving in wars and conflicts. All will be honored—not just those with the highest medals or the heroes who fought in the most famous battles. They all died so America can continue to cherish the things that are loved—freedom, country and family.

Legionnaires are pledged through the Preamble of the organization’s constitution to “preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in the Great Wars…” This solemn promise is on the back of each American Legion membership card. Yet, they do not remember our fallen brothers and sisters-in-arms because of an edict or obligatory ritual. They do so because they want to. They want to be there for their families. Long after the battlefield guns have been silenced and the bombs stop exploding, the children of our fallen warriors will still be missing a parent. Spouses will continue to miss their life partners. Parents will never stop grieving for their heroic sons and daughters that died too early.

It is a reminder on this day that in each generation, brave men and women will always step forward to take the oath of allegiance as members of America’s armed forces willing to fight, and if necessary die for the sake of freedom.

As Americans, it should be remembered that freedom isn’t free. It’s only possible because the fallen heroes have paid its high price. A price paid, which enables such ceremonies and observances like the Memorial Day Celebration to be held in communities across this great country.

Everyone is encouraged to attend and be involved in honoring our fallen warriors.

The Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance (NVCA) will be hosting its annual Memorial Day program on Monday, May 29, 2023, at 1 p.m. Cemetery Manager Jim Goodwin will recognize the sacrifices made by service members who are interred at NVCA. St. John’s Brass will contribute to the program with the playing of patriotic music. As homage to our fallen heroes, Alliance American Legion Post 7 will conduct a rifle salute and play “Taps.” The event is open to the public. Seating is available but families are welcome to bring lawn chairs.

NVCA is located at 2610 County Road 57 in Alliance.