BBGH Recognizes Men’s Health Awareness Month

“The great man is always the man of mighty effort.” Empowering words said by the late Theodore Roosevelt. Men are the embodiment of honesty, strength, courage, and dependability. Each of those values may be personified or symbolized differently per the individual.

Men traditionally have lived out these values by being the provider for their family, holding a high-powered job, or participating in the sport of hunting. Today, men aren’t ought to live their values by a passé methodology. Men can benevolently be nurses, stay-at-home fathers, or hair stylists. Whichever is the chosen course, the importance of a man’s health is incontestable. The best tool for a man to build a sustained and robust life is his health. A healthy eating regimen and regular physical activity are supportive to the aforementioned, as well as regular prostate screenings.

A man’s prostate continues to grow as he ages, resulting in an array of issues. Prostate cancer is one issue. It is the most common solid cancer found in men and seldomly presents symptoms. For men at high risk, screenings should begin at the age of 40 and occur every 1-2 years. An average risk male should begin having screenings at the age of 50. Early detection is key for preventing the cancer from spreading all over the prostate.

Box Butte General Hospital believes in the upholding of health and wellbeing. By living out the mission of leading in community wellness, BBGH provides the essential care, such as urology services, for a man to maintain his health.

If you want to hold the reins of your health, call 308-762-7244 to schedule an appointment with a primary care provider.