Reflections for the Week of July 10-14

Police Admin:

• Meetings: Datalytics, Terawe, Know Your Force, OVC, Metis, CALEA, BJA, Perfect Blend, Boston Dynamics, University of South Carolina, Central Square, Rekor.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 734 calls for service.

• Completed 4 report requests.

• 3 firearm permits issued.

Police Operations:

• 20 Cases Resolved.

• 14 Active Investigations.

• 6 accidents.

• 0 DUI.

• 78 Building Checks.

• 15 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 4 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 2 Traffic Stops.

• 0 Vacation House Checks.


• 70 Calls for service YTD.

• 81 Offers for service YTD.

• 51 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD.

• 39 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 25 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 36 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 277 Services provided.

• 160 Individuals helped or reached.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 34 Animal Calls.

• 3 Dog Impounds. 1 dog currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 0 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 5 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 91.2%.

• Special recognition to Dispatcher Elizabeth Bonds for all of the extra tasks being completed on evidence.

• Special recognition to Officer Aly Konopnicki for working an extreme amount of overtime to cover shifts.


• Hosted our monthly Perfect Blend w/ BBDC at Rock Valley Physical Therapy Tuesday with an excelled turn out and wealth of information.

• Wednesday, attended the Ports-to-Plains Alliance Regional update in Ft. Morgan, CO – as a Heartland Expressway Association Board Member.

• Our Rural Fellows and I attended the Ribbon Cutting/Grand Opening for Sweet Pickin’s in Downtown Alliance on Thursday morning.

Community Development:

• Katherine Conrad started Monday as the new Community Development Secretary.

• Planning Commission met on July 11th and recommended approval of the Blight and Substandard Study for the Ramblin Road area.

• New phone system is installed. There are a few minor issues with number porting and forwarding that are being worked on, but overall a successful project.


• Fire Extinguisher Training conducted for Heartland Aviation staff.

• Monthly department meeting.

• Chief attended Scotts Bluff County Mutual Aid Meeting in Gering.

• Action Communications still working on programming fire department radios.


• Fixed and replaced multiple signs and posts.

• Ongoing pot hole patching and repair.

• Maintenance of small motors.

• Worked on sign inventory.

• Prepared barricades for bands on the bricks.

• Completed vehicle cleaning.

• Assisted assembling dumpsters for landfill.

• Painted white arrows and lines.

• Completed grading on several roads.


• 473 riders this week.


• 15000 feet of sanitary sewer jetted.

• 45 locates.

• 40 work orders.

• Completed water samples.

• Repaired meter issue at 18th and Colorado well.

• Monitored lift station D during power outage.

• Recorded chlorine residuals.

• Conducted weed eating at well houses.

• Used sewer camera at middle school to assist line maintenance.


• Built and placed two litter fences.

• Truck 1111 back in service for next week.

• 208 customers this week.

• 287 tons of refuse this week.

• Moved bales to MSW.

• Leveled CSD area.

• Cleaned transfer station floor.


• We placed the temporary power rack on the vacant lot on 2nd street and Cheyenne Avenue for the carnival workers’ trailers in preparation for Heritage Days.

• Installed a transformer and related hardware on CR 63 for a new house to be built.

• Installed a transformer and related hardware for a new building under construction on west 2nd street.

• Installed new underground service to KL Woods building on Kansas street.

• Removed poles and transformers from KL Woods yard on Kansas street.

• Working with Great Plains Power on switching and construction requirements as they perform work on south east side of Alliance.

• NECC performed monthly safety meeting at job site on Kansas street.

• Continue to perform maintenance in Homestead area.

Upcoming City Business:

• July-August, consideration of blighted and substandard designations.

• July-August, consideration of annexations.

• July-September, Budget: workshops, hearings and adoption.