Reflections for the Week of July 17-21


• Weather continues to cause delays on the Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project, however the middle portion of the apron has been completed. Painting is still underway.

• Substantial efforts went into the FAA inspection this week. Submitted all documents for the FAA review and no issues were found. Will not have final results for on-site inspection that was completed until next week, however the inspection went very well.

• Maintenance staff continues to mow and attempt to control weeds.

Police Admin:

• Meetings: Datalytics, Terawe, Know Your Force, CALEA, WING, Central Square, Rekor, Media, State 911, County Attorney, NADPLE, Metis.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 754 calls for service.

• Completed 2 report requests.

• 0 firearm permits issued.

• 15 Cases Resolved.

• 22 Active Investigations.

• 2 accidents.

• 0 DUI.

• 39 Building Checks.

• 22 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 5 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 0 Traffic Stops.

• 0 Vacation House Checks.


• 70 Calls for service YTD.

• 87 Offers for service YTD.

• 51 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD.

• 39 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 26 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 37 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 310 Services provided.

• 163 Individuals helped or reached.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 27 Animal Calls.

• 2 Dog Impounds. 1 dog currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 0 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 23 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 91.3%.

• Overall crime is down 31.3 YTD%.

• 83% of fiscal budget has elapsed and we are at 62.4% in expenditures.

• Special recognition to the officers and dispatchers who worked tirelessly on a major incident over the last several days.


• We replaced the three phase primary underground service to Western Potato equipment maintenance building.

• Replaced broken globe on streetlight in 200 block of Box Butte.

• Unlocked electric pedestals in 300 block of Box Butte for Heritage Days vendors.

• Started installing new LED lights at 16th and Box Butte tennis courts.

• Replaced/updated material in Homestead-Pioneer alley.

• Repaired/upgraded several irrigation well transformer banks.

• Installed transformer at extended- stay hotel build site.

• Repaired/replaced numerous streetlights.

• Early Thursday morning a breaker at 10th street substation opened causing power to be lost to Emerson and Broadwater substations resulting in large power outage. Crews were able to restore power in just over 1 hour.

• Performed maintenance in Black Hills-Burlington alley.


• Chief participated in the NSVFA Recruitment and Retention Committee meeting.

• Chief participated in the FAA Part 139 ARFF and Fuel Inspection.

• HazMat Operations Training with the State Fire Marshal Training Division wrapping up this weekend.

• Chief and Asst. Chief meet with BBGH Chief Nursing Officer and BBGH Chief Executive Officer.


• Hosted a police work shop one evening this week.

• Hosted a large group of Highland Park residents for a cool visit on an extremely hot day.

• Hosted the monthly Museum Advisory Board meeting.

• Hosted a small scale 96th birthday party for a visitor coming from Lincoln. This individual made the trip to see an exhibit about his father who managed the Potash Plant in Lakeside.

• Assisted with a research project on the Catholic Church.

Golf Course:

• Hosted the Heritage Days three-person scramble.

• Replaced another irrigation component that was damaged in the lightning strike a few weeks ago.

• Completed equipment maintenance as necessary.


• Made Heritage Days preparations in the downtown area & did clean up each day.

• Made preparations at Laing Lake for the disc golf tournament.

• Hauled picnic tables and extra trash containers downtown for Heritage Days.

• Worked on dugout structures at the softball complex.

• Mowed and trimmed all areas as necessary in town.

• Worked on playground repairs and ordering replacement parts as necessary.

• Assisted with two funerals.


• Hosted a summer BBQ at the Senior Center.

• Continued providing meals for dine in and delivery.


• The shelving has been cleared out by Library Pages Camden Wade and Ava Weingart, which took a tremendous effort! This leaves open space for us to begin creating the casual seating area for our tech patrons and those trying to study. We are excited to get his up and running and are hoping to offer some coffee options for those using the space this fall!

• Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn had great participation in the Heritage Days Wristband Drawing. A special thanks to the Alliance Chamber of Commerce for their donation! Coming up soon is an “All Together Now” Movie Party with the Sandhills Drive-In Theatre for those who completed all five weeks of reading goals. LEGO Club worked on their creations, with some new people joining us. Cynthia shared upcoming events on the KCOW Open Mike program. Her ongoing projects include Story Time preparation for the 2023-24 school year, contacts for special programs, shelf-reading, cataloging new items, and keeping up with backpack circulation.

• Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson made bookmobile deliveries, processed ILLs for book clubs and patrons, and prepared the Bookworms for the upcoming month. She also assisted Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart with shelf reading the Adult Fiction section.

• Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart continued shelf reading Fiction with Technical Services Librarian Emily, cataloged new books for the collection, and weeded old books. She also hosted Fiber Arts Club and the book club at Highland Park Care Center.

• Library Clerks Pam Becker and Kris Wilder have been busy adding many new patron cards and helping prepare for the library’s new addition to the book store, which will be changing themes monthly!


• 125 rollout dumpsters built.

• 10, 2 yard dumpsters replaced.

• Dumpsters placed for Heritage Days use.

• Moved and placed bales.

• Built and placed 1 litter fence.

• Road debris cleanup.

• 237 customers.

• 291 tons of refuse.


• 76 locates completed.

• Placed barricades for carnival and bands on the bricks.

• Completed weed eating and mowing in multiple ROW.

• Graded Sweetwater and E 12th St.

• Cleaned vehicles.


• 375 riders this week.


• Mowed A station and animal shelter property.

• Vacuumed out two road boxes and shut block of water main for curb stop replacement.

• Threaded new curb stop body.

• Ran APU’s during power outage.

• Disassembled and cleaned pump #3 at “A” station.

• Repaired manhole in alley on S. Grand.

• Repaired alley on 6th and Emerson.

• Completed well samples for 18th and Elkhorn wells.

• Completed chlorine samples.

• Submitted weekly water samples.

• Jetted 12000 feet of sanitary sewer.

• Completed 76 locates.

• Completed 15 utility office work orders.

Upcoming City Business:

• July-August, consideration of blighted and substandard designations.

• July-August, consideration of annexations.

• July-September, Budget: workshops, hearings and adoption.