Reflections for the Week of August 7-11

Police Admin:

• Meetings: CALEA, Datalytics, Metis, Central Square, FirstNet, Vollee, DEA, OVC.

Police Communications/Intelligence:

• Coordinated 855 calls for service.

• Completed 6 report requests.

• 1 firearm permits issued.

• 31 Cases Resolved.

• 8 Active Investigations.

• 9 accidents.

• 1 DUI.

• 135 Building Checks.

• 25 Community Contacts/Business Checks.

• 2 Child Welfare Investigations.

• 4 Traffic Stops.

• 14 Vacation House Checks.


• 71 Calls for service YTD.

• 104 Offers for service YTD.

• 74 Now or Continued Direct Service YTD.

• 41 Medical Service Referrals YTD.

• 31 Financial Service Referrals YTD.

• 41 Employment Coaching YTD.

• 362 Services provided.

• 198 Individuals helped or reached.

• 2 Graduates YTD.

• 0 Known relapses YTD.

Animal Control:

• 37 Animal Calls.

• 3 Dog Impounds. 1 dog currently in the shelter.

• 0 Cat Impounds. 0 cats currently in the shelter.

Code Enforcement:

• 7 Code enforcement issues.

Notable Service:

• Satisfaction rating 91.1%.

• Overall crime is down 28.7 YTD%.

• Special recognition to Christine and Elizabeth for having an unannounced inspection of our evidence facility by the DEA and doing an excellent job! All audited items were inspected and accounted for.


• Assisting employee with requests for FMLA, benefits and other compliance reports.

• Scheduling interviews with department heads and applicants for multiple positions and conducting references for the same.

• Coordinating pre-employment conditions for pending new hires.

• Enrolling employees in scheduled benefits and updating records for billing.

• Communicating job openings and accepting job applications for the positions of: Street Foreman, Heavy Equipment Operator, Street Maintenance Worker, PT RSVP Clerk, PT Meter Reader, PT Nutrition Delivery Driver, PT Transit Driver, Police Officer, and Seasonal Carhenge and Golf Pro Shop help.


• FireCatt tested all fire hose, including the airports. Zero fire hose failed.


• Hydro excavated 6 road boxes for road project and lowered them. Replaced 2 road boxes for road project.

• Repaired Burnham well.

• Piled up millings from road project.

• Pulled inspection plate and air release valve pump at “A” station; got pump back on line.

• Mowed wellfield.

• Removed VFD from Well “1” to send in for warranty work.

• 37 locates. 35 utility office work orders.

• 10,000 feet of sewer line jetted.

• Weekly water samples and chlorine residuals.


• Removed the overhead construction power for new WESTCO tire shop.

• Installed metering equipment at extended stay hotel site.

• Replaced a three-phase tap pole in 400 block of Black Hills.

• Performed maintenance on several irrigation well transformer banks.

• Moved equipment and set forms for cement storage pads to be installed.

• Worked with contractor on switching operations for east rebuild.

• Repaired/replaced several streetlights.

• Worked with contractors to re-install streetlights on east 3rd Street.


• We welcomed Kim Tschacher to our Museum family as a part time clerk. She brings some great skills that will be an asset to our patrons and visitors.

• Jodi assisted with locating graves and researching dates and other information for a family wanting to place gravestones on 100-year-old graves.

• Tourism visits continue to be very strong with daily out of town families stopping in.

• We hosted Lifeline Screening in the basement conference room; hosted a family wedding and brunch; hosted a two-day family reunion/celebration of life.

• Bailey reworked several file drawers that had seen some heavy use. They are fixed and ready to go.

• Delaney is prepping a large collection of items from the Brittan family that will be added to several of the displays.

• Delaney assisted with setting up and training for our new phone system.

• We have all been working on repairing the “Cover-Jones Motors” sign to ready it for adding to our sign exhibit.

• Becci gave an informational tour to several museum board members from Chadron.

• We received a great desk from the family of Mabel Worley for our Photography display.

• We are in the process of setting up a calendar of upcoming programs so be sure and like us on Facebook to see what is in the works.

RSVP & Senior Center:

• Making plans to host the Mobile Food Pantry on August 16th at the Senior Center.

• Continued providing dine in and delivery meals to Seniors in the community.

• Bingo Equipment was received as a donation and volunteers are working on getting it operational.


• The new tech space in the northeast corner of the library is open for business! We have already seen several of our regular patrons enjoying this relaxing and comforting atmosphere. We are waiting for a few more furniture pieces to arrive to complete the space. Our new fundraising space is looking great thanks to the team effort of the staff. The theme until mid-September will be “bees, sunflowers, and honey” (there may be a few Barbie items snuck in there somewhere as well).

• Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson helped create a new nonfiction display featuring true crime books and crafting books. Emily also helped make the bee and Barbie themed t-shirts and bags for our fundraising items. She also updated the Instagram/Facebook pages, updated the calendar on the website, and was very helpful in getting the new tech space up and running.

• Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart changed out the Fiction display, added new displays in the DVD section, and cleared some of the older DVDs from the new shelf. She also hosted Fiber Arts Club and the Highland Park Care Center book club, cataloged new Fiction books, and shared her talents in the preparation of the Sunflower & Bee Display.

• Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn did shelf reading and series updates for juvenile fiction, and is now beginning juvenile nonfiction. Her other projects include Book Mobile checkouts, backpack maintenance, and finalizing projects for Story Time and LEGO Club.

• Library Clerks Pam Becker and Kris Wilder have been helpful in keeping things running smoothly! Special thanks to Kris for helping with the fundraising projects as well!


• Completed trimming at the cemetery before all seasonal employees leave.

• Mowed and trimmed as usual. Finished mowing the small city lots.

• Installed a new pump in the filter/vacuum system of the fountain.

• Completed the dugout shelters on D field at the softball complex.

• Conducted interviews for the Maintenance I position vacancy in the Parks division.

• Picked up grass clippings at the old pool and Laing soccer field areas.

• Sprayed playground for weeds as well as behind the swimming pool and creek behind the dog park.

• Surfacing crew started applying the surface coating at the 16th Street Tennis Courts.

Chamber of Commerce:

• Trunk or Treat preparations begin.

• Working with Dobby’s in preparation for Frontier Days Fall Festival.

• Planning a Community BBQ event, more details to follow.

• BID project discussions.


• Taxiway/Apron Rehabilitation Project – Middle portion of the apron has asphalt being placed. Painting has stopped multiple times this week due to the rain. Estimated finish date is two weeks.

• Sign at Highway and outside lights on the terminal were replaced.

• Miscellaneous painting and organizing done inside the terminal.

• Haying of the airfield completed and final bales being removed from airfield in the next couple of days. There has been so much rain there may be a chance for a second cutting of some areas.

• Final work on budget done.

• Mowing, spraying of weeds, fence around airfield work done, and tumble weeds.

• Inspection of Tract B’s five pastures for thistle completed. Working on quotes for aerial spraying of those areas and timing of that project.

Upcoming City Business:

• August – September, consideration of annexations.

• August – September, Budget: workshops, hearings and adoption.

• September – October, consideration of blighted and substandard designations.