AHS Class of 1983 Celebrates Reunion

The Alliance High School class of 1983 celebrated their 40th reunion on July 22, 2023. Pictured are: Front Row L-R: Jody Jaggers Hanson, Sarah Lewis, Maria Davis Tomlin, Eden Edwards, Wendie Henderson, Bessie Kochiras Bishop, Brenda Bedient Nunes, Laurie Boots Roebuck; Second Row: Candy Countryman Wills, Colette Jones Johnson, Sandi Hall Morava, Sandy Seidler Cassel, Tina Hain Classen, Ronda Ross Schamp, Sherrie Wolvington Dudley; Back Row: Greg Carter, Shawn Miller, Laurie Hatzenbuhler Jelinek, Troy Roten, Lori Cox, Rod Geist, Michael Ellis, Jackie Schulze Carley. Photo Courtesy of Steph’s Studio.