Class of 1973 Donates to Dobby’s Frontier Town

Recently the Alliance High School / St. Agnes Academy Class of 1973 held their 50th year Reunion in Alliance. One of the main features of the reunion was a silent auction of items brought by each member attending the reunion. Each member was asked to bring an item that represented the area in which they lived. The money raised was to be used to benefit a local charity or need of the community. When several class members heard of the plight of Dobby’s Frontier Town needing a new security system to protect their beautiful little frontier town, it was decided by the entire class this would be the place for their donation. 60 class members and spouses from the AHS Class and two members and spouses from the SAA Class were present. (114 total) and some of those who could not attend donated money toward the cause. A huge thank you to all for donations near and far.