Greenhouse in the Snow Named a Finalist in Statewide Contest

Greenhouse in the Snow manufactured by Antioch Machine Shop in Alliance, Nebraska has been tabbed as being one of 16 finalists in the Nebraska Chamber of Commerce contest of the Coolest Thing made in Ne-braska. The contest is in its first week of slimming down the 16 finalists and the decision is being done by requesting votes from the public.

Greenhouse in the Snow is a geo-thermal greenhouse that is marketed as a kit but also encourages buyers to utilize local businesses for many of the items needed to complete the build. There have been over 700 of these greenhouses installed over the past 10 years with sales predominately in the United States but now there is a Canadian version as well as a European version.

The company began with a partnership of Russel Finch and Allen Bright in 2013. Nearly any crop can be grown in these greenhouses with a minimum amount of energy and water usage. There are over 700 of these that have been purchased in the U.S.

This is a super way for value-added ag production for wives of farmers and rancher; young people just en-tering agriculture; retirees; etc. This also has played a large part in agri-tourism for the Alliance area with people traveling from long distances to visit the local greenhouses. An average of three tours a day take place with one to 30 people attending.

It is really quite interesting how this project has affected many different companies and people. The tours of the greenhouses in Alliance bring in an average of 4 people per day which translates to about $96.00 per day for the community of Alliance not counting motel accommodations. Other types of manufacturer organ-izations have highlighted the Greenhouse in the Snow. Go to:

This venture has been a win-win endeavor for Alliance and the State of Nebraska.

Please go to the following link to vote:

Cast your vote for Geo-thermal Greenhouse-Greenhouse in the Snow in bracket six and put Western Nebraska on the map by helping this company move up the bracket for the next round.