Blast from the Past September 13, 2023

130 Years Ago

September 15, 1893

Mrs. Samuel Jesse killed a rattlesnake about three miles northeast of town with a whip last week, that measured three feet in length and had six rattles. This species of snake is seldom seen in this country.

125 Years Ago

September 16, 1898

There has been trouble brewing out in the Krause neighborhood, eighteen miles northeast of Alliance, for a long time. The more recent dispute between the Krause Bros. And N. L. Sylvester over a boundary line about two miles north of Krause Bros.’ ranch. Sylvester was cutting hay on the Krause side of the line. A quarrel resulted that terminated in the shooting of Sylvester by John Krause.

120 Years Ago

September 15, 1903

Dr. J. E. Moore left Sunday on a three week’s trip that ought to combine a great deal of pleasure and get him a bear – if he doesn’t have to climb a tree and let “the other fellow” shoot it. The Doctor went to Newcastle, where he will join George Mollring and a party of friends for a camping trip in the Big Horn basin.

115 Years Ago

September 15, 1908

Plans are that the work will be commenced Saturday of moving the various official departments for the C. B. & Q. railroad company from the upstairs of the Rumer building, where they have been established since the fire of November 26, 1906 that destroyed the frame depot building at Alliance, to the new, elegant and permanent home in the new station building.

110 Years Ago

September 12, 1913

Dick Waters of the Entertainment committee of the county fair reported that the committee has contracted for the services of Fred Bentley of Bridgeport who will bring his string of trained pitching horses, cattle horses, tick horses and his force of employees, numbering 6 or 8, who will do fancy roping stunts and wild west riding.

105 Years Ago

September 13, 1918

Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! To celebrate the completion of the new septic tank the city officers have planned a dance to be given at the septic tank for the benefit of the Red Cross. None but the odors of the new mown hay and of “Heeland” violets are now wafted over the scene since the repairs were made and you need have no fear of being nauseated.

100 Years Ago

September 11, 1923

After a complete investigation, the Alliance police department is inclined to the belief that the story told by Bennie Ashford, to the effect that he was held up south of the Burlington station this morning, was largely imaginative, and due principally to the effect of beverages containing somewhat more than the legal alcoholic content.

95 Years Ago

September 14, 1928

Fireman Muriel Cooper, 29, of Alliance, was instantly killed at about 10 o’clock last night when he was pinned beneath a locomotive that rolled over on its side when trackage gave way at a point two miles from Englewood, S. D. It was near where the slide of mine railings occurred about three weeks ago.

90 Years Ago

September 15, 1933

Lee Gaskin, 50, was sentenced to 20 days in the city jail on charges of petit larceny of four shirts he didn’t get to keep. Assistant Manager Harold Grove of the J. C. Penney store accosted the man who was having difficulty in holding the four cellophane-wrapped shirts under his coat because the packages were somewhat “slippery” and rattled loudly enough to attract attention.

85 Years Ago

September 16, 1938

Mrs. Stryson, wife of L. L. Stryson, was charged with selling alcoholic liquor without a state license, pleaded guilty on arraignment in county court and was fined $25 and costs.

80 Years Ago

September 14, 1943

Captain Carroll E. McCullah, U. S. M. C., of 412 Mississippi avenue, Alliance, member of a fighter squadron here. The flyer described an aerial battle over Rendova Island recently in which he knocked down two bombers. In this action there were nine Japanese bombers, escorted by 50 Zeros, and an undetermined number of American planes. He returned safely. Captain McCullah enlisted in the Marine Corps in June, 1941. He won his wings at Jacksonville, Fla., in March, 1942. He has been on duty in the South Pacific for three months. It was his first aerial victory over the Japs.

75 Years Ago

September 14, 1948

Lloyd B. Keller, 720 Belmont avenue, took out a $2000 permit for a dwelling and garage and George S. Bybee, 419 Grand avenue was issued one for a dwelling and garage to cost $1000. Other permits issued recently include one for a storage building and garage to cost $1100, issued to A. J. Tyndall, 512 Big Horn avenue and one taken out by Robert Jordan for a garage at 623 Potash avenue to cost $3000.

70 Years Ago

September 14, 1953

They’re off and running in the inaugural parimutuel horse races sponsored by the Alliance Breeding and Agricultural Association. Racing will be at the new track three miles east of Alliance just off Highway 2 at the site of the World War Two glider base.

65 Years Ago

September 13, 1958

Alliance’s new electric stop sign went into operation Friday. The new traffic signal will protect children crossing Box Butte Avenue coming and going from Central School. The new 5-unit traffic light, similar to signals used in business sections of large cities, replaces metallic signs which had been manually placed before and after school.

60 Years Ago

September 12. 1963

Mrs. Stanley Prokop, wife of the Alliance jeweler, was treated at St. Joseph’s Hospital following a 2-car accident one mile north on Highway 385 at the intersection of a county road. Mrs. Prokop, 32, was released after a checkup at the hospital but sustained bruises and minor shock in the mishap. Viggo Hanson, 71, of Fowling Route was charged with careless driving.

55 Years Ago

September 12, 1968

A Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. crew of six men is well started in the project of erecting a new 750,000-gallon spheroidal water tank at the eastern edge of Alliance at Sixth and Elkhorn. Foreman Robert K. Millsap estimates the job will be completed within eight weeks, “weather cooperating.”

50 Years Ago

September 12, 1973

At their first September meeting the Alliance board of education approved the hiring of one new employe. The new employe is Mrs. Robert (Ruth) Simmons who will work as a library aide at the High School. She will be paid at the rate of $1.75 an hour.

45 Years Ago

September 14, 1978

It is reminiscent of the barn raising, husking bees and quilting bees of days gone by. To prepare for the building of a county road, neighbors in the area eight miles north of Alliance and east of the Sheridan County line have been helping each other move fences. Nearly a dozen men who use the road, pitched in to help Leonard Behm move his fence.

40 Years Ago

September 13, 1983

Members of the “Up With People” company rode into town Alliance-style atop Fire Department trucks. The entourage paraded through and around town ending up at the Elks Club where they were met by drum corps music and a crowd of welcome-to-Alliance well-wishers. They were ushered inside for a short international meeting a refreshment reception where they located and were introduced to their host families. The Up With People cast will spend today performing for area schools and visiting the Burlington Northern diesel shop and Boys Ranch. McDonald’s Restaurant and the Alliance National Bank and Trust Company are sponsoring the musical production in Alliance.

35 Years Ago

September 14, 1988

New Alliance City Manager Lyle Lacy, and his wife Mary Ann, meet with Dr. Donald Taylor, Sr., and his wife, Alyce, during an open house to welcome the Lacy’s, held at the Alliance Fire Hall. About 200 people attended the open house.

30 Years Ago

September 11, 1993

Partners of the Knight Museum held an organizational meeting Thursday night. During the meeting the group elected Patti Cowher as president and changed the working name “Friends” to “Partners.”

25 Years Ago

September 12, 1998

The home of Robert and Rose Ann Moran was chosen as the 1998 Yard of the Year in the Yard of the Week Contest sponsored by Keep Alliance Beautiful. The contest continued for 12 weeks, with three homes being chosen from each of four sections of the city. At the end of the contest, the Moran home was named Yard of the Year.

20 Years Ago

September 12, 2003

Alliance Lumber Company, located in the 1000 block of West Third Street, has announced a name change. The lumber yard has adopted its parent company’s name. Bloedorn Lumber, headquartered in Torrington, Wyo. Bloedorn Lumber was started By C.F.W. (Charlie) Bloedorn and A.O. (Alvin) Bloedorn in 1919 with their first yard located in Torrington. The company has grown to 21 full service lumberyard/hardware stores in Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska and Colorado.

15 Years Ago

September 12, 2008

Highland Park Activities Director, Jeanette Bolinger takes a set of clippers, followed by a razor to Maintenance Supervisor Tom Schultz. Patty Tracey, who works with Human Resources at Highland Park, said the shaving was part of the care center’s Penny Drive. The drive generated $3,000.73 for Alzheimer’s research, and the center has generated $4,577.68 since May. There is an Alzheimer’s Walk

today at Highland Park.

10 Years Ago

September 12, 2013

Reaching out and helping the animals was the driving force for Anna Kampster who recently hosted a bake sale to raise money for Alliance Animal Shelter. 10 year old Anna put a whole bake sale together with help from her mom, Laurie. Kampster wants to get the word out to the community that these are all great animals and they deserve good homes. “I want someone to adopt them and save them,” smiled Kampster.

5 Years Ago

September 12, 2018

The Burlington Northern Santa Fe hosted an Open House this past weekend. The event was open to employee family members as well as the public and included a petting zoo, mini-train rides, treats and a chance to get a first hand look at some of the locomotives.