AHS Class of 1973 Hosts Reunion

The Alliance High School Class of 1973 hosted their 50th Class reunion on August 25 & 26th in Alliance. The following picture of those attending the reunion are:

First row (left to right) -Dennis Powell, Jerry Leistritz, Cash Ostrander, Pete Ditsch, Ron Best, Mike Vallejo, Rob Blumenthal, Mike Shannon, Travis Grubbs, Deb Johnson Henzler, Diane Thorne McGuire, Jim Phillip, Deb Schnell Frohman, Marcia Miller Painter, Deb Olson Sass, Susie Timbers Steggs. Second row: Rita Johnston Burri, Phyllis Taylor Jesse, Linda Freiberger Wodke, Phyllis Vallejo Haverkamp, Barb Hashman Burke, Paula Whitlock Fritzler, Mary Chinnock Petroski, Nancy Simpson Steggs, Jean Curtiss Moran, Deb Chadwick Farrell, Brenda Garrett Chambers, Bev Solberg Bergland, Lana Peterson Pressler, Larry Brown. Third row: Steve “Chops” Mracek, Steve Vogel, Chris Thompson, Kathy Wegner Thompson, Robyn Weisgerber Best, Karen Thomsen Vera, Rayleen Hammond Barnes, Cheri Vorovka Thompson, Mike Johnson, Bill Wernke, Laura Kreycik Powell, John Becker, Sherri Jinks Fry, Mark Watson, Deb Curtiss Hubbs, Darrel Leisy, Carol Peltz Bennett, Dave Vogel, Sherry Hartwig Covey, Michelle Culwell Schultz, Ron Jones, Jerre McLaughlin Mount, Steve Englehaupt, Gary Rask. (those attending but not pictured were: Joan Goding Anderson (SAA), Diane Miskimen Bieber (SAA), Mark Bowman, and Sharon Collins Trumble). Photo Courtesy of Clicks by Kim Photography.