Reflections for the Week of Oct. 2-6


∙ Maintenance staff attended CPR Training and monthly ARFF training.

∙ Gathering quotes for capital projects approved in FY2024 budget.

∙ Preliminary work on application for new Terminal Grant.

∙ Visited with potential temporary employee to fill vacancy.

∙ Maintenance items completed on both ARFF trucks.


∙ Changed out 10 “reject” poles.

∙ Operated the generation plant on Tuesday morning for the monthly MEAN required operation.

∙ Energized the main service for the new extended stay motel.

∙ Energized a new garage service off of 18th street.

∙ Energized the service for the new class room building at IELS School.

∙ Met with MEAN representatives to discuss solar field.

∙ Met with Engineers to plan for Schiff Feedlot expansion project.

∙ Worked with Western Sugar to trouble shoot a beet piler electrical issue.

∙ Set cement forms for warehouse outside yard storage area.

Community Development:

∙ Permitting

o 15 Building Permits totaling $416,268.66 in improvement valuation.

o 3 Zoning Permits totaling $11,600 in improvement valuation.

o 13 Plumbing and Mechanical Permits.

o 4 Right of Way Excavation, Obstruction, or Construction Permits.

∙ Building

o Issued a Certificate of Occupancy for the new Westco Tire shop at 1630 West 10th Street.

o Apartment Hotel/retail space at 2465 South Hwy 385 is hanging drywall.

o Westco Fertilizer storage building at 2371 Highway 2 is pouring concrete for the walls. ∙ Planning Commission-October 10 Meeting

o Final Plat for Myrtle Second Addition at 16th and Buchfinck.

o Annexation of Myrtle Second Addition.

o Rezone of Myrtle Second Addition from Agriculture to R-1 Single Family Residential Zoning.

∙ No Board of Adjustment meeting scheduled for October due to lack of agenda items. Golf:

∙ Fertilized fairways and greens.

∙ Completed Fall application of herbicide.

∙ Winterized all exterior backflows and restrooms on the course.

∙ Still mowing as necessary.

RSVP & Senior Center:

∙ Continued to serve eat-in and delivery meals for seniors in the community.

∙ The Bingo board is fully operational so we will be using that for senior activities in the future.

∙ Director and Volunteers assisted with Autumn in Alliance activities in Central Park.

∙ Volunteers assisted with delivery of meals this week also.


∙ The staff has enjoyed making the library a spooky place this week for Halloween! Come up and see the many displays we have or check out one of our many spooky titles lurking about in the library There will be one chance per day for children ages Preschool to 2nd grade to search for Gertie the Ghost beginning Monday, October 9th.

∙ Children’s Librarian Cynthia Horn conducted outreach visits at Head Start with three classrooms featuring autumn stories and music. She hosted an Autumn and Halloween Spooktacular event with Keep Alliance Beautiful, held LEGO Club, and hosted a Sports Quest Story Time featuring Alex Benzegala with Eagle Radio and Kevin Horn with Box Butte County. Cynthia organized the book mobile deliveries, tallied September stats, and cataloged new items for the collection.

∙ Adult Services Librarian Nalani Stewart removed old books from the new Fiction and Nonfiction shelves, added new book club kits to the collection, changed out book and movies displays, and prepared stats for the September Director’s report. She also hosted Fiber Arts Club, Highland Park Center Book Club, and the Mini Macramé Plant Hanger with local artist and instructor Kathy Brock.

∙ Technical Services Librarian Emily Nelson completed the Director’s Report for September, updated information on the website, and assisted customers on the computers. She also helped make bookstore items, including four t-shirts that were special ordered by a patron.

∙ Library Clerks Pam Becker and Kris Wilder have been busy helping decorate for Halloween and processing many new library accounts.


∙ We have been swarmed with out of town visitors. They are very interested in our museum and very complimentary of Alliance.

∙ Hosted a wedding shower and a BNSF training session.

∙ The local Credit Unions held their semi-annual workshop here.

∙ Cheri & Geoff Hopkins presented an interesting program on the history and identification of tombstones to a full house crowd. Our next upcoming program is Tuesday October 17 with Brian Croft and his program about the history of western Nebraska maps. This should be another interesting one!

∙ The October Scrapbook Group will meet this coming weekend and there is still room. This is a great way to care for and use those boxes of photographs that we all seem to acquire. For more information, call Becci at 308-762-2384

∙ We apologize that our elevator continues to be unavailable but have hopes of repairs to be completed yet this fall!


∙ Finished construction on roof structures over the dugouts at the softball complex.

∙ Finished winterizing irrigation systems and concession stands throughout the parks.

∙ Applied fall herbicide at the softball complex.

∙ Mowed all ballfields and park areas.

∙ Started cleaning up grass piles at the softball complex and old swimming pool lot.

∙ The fountain will be drained at the end of next week for the season.


∙ Week of Sept 25-29 – 638 riders

∙ This week – 674 riders


∙ Week of Sept 25-29 – 220 customers.

∙ This week – 239 customers.

∙ Week of Sept 25-29 – 295.43 tons.

∙ This week – 318.85 tons.

∙ Week of Sept 25-29 Loader repairs.

∙ This week – Loader Training.

∙ Week of Sept 25-29 – Skid steer repairs.

∙ Week of Sept 25-29 & This week – Paddle scraper repairs.

∙ Week of Sept 25-29 & This week- Dozer training.

∙ Week of Sept 25-29 – Loader training.

∙ Week of Sept 25-29 – Computer training.

∙ Week of Sept 25-29 – State regulations training.

∙ Week of Sept 25-29 – Reviewed emergency procedures.

∙ This week – Standard maintenance on all equipment.

∙ This week – Laid cover.

∙ This week – Built and replaced 15 dumpsters.

∙ This week – Replaced 4 rollouts.

Streets Week of Sept 25-29:

∙ Locates.

∙ Replaced bricks on Box Butte main break.

∙ Mow and weed eat:

o Kansas St

o W 10th st

o Cody

o Ramblin Road

o Emerson

o 25th St

o Sweetwater

o E10th, E9th, E3rd

o Elkhorn

∙ Sweep mud from main breaks at Box Butte and Emerson.

∙ Haul sweeper dirt and cement to landfill.

∙ Work on wash outs behind Public Works Buildings.

∙ Fix lights on trucks.

Streets Week of Oct 2-6:

∙ Locates.

∙ Haul sweeper dirt.

∙ Fixed lights on all dump trucks.

∙ Put 3 plows on trucks as well as augers/spinners.

∙ Worked on alley repairs.

∙ Made forms for new lights.

∙ Graded and patched Boyd Ave.

Water/Sewer Week of Sept 25-29:

∙ Finished packing main break hold at 14th and Emerson, had concrete poured and sprinklers fixed.

∙ Pulled check valves on all 4 pumps at A station cleaned out.

∙ Camera sewer line at 2830 Big Horn.

∙ Located manholes for Peltz on road overlays.

∙ Sanitary survey on water system from State health department. Everything looks good.

∙ Cleaned all wells.

∙ 30 locates.

∙ 15 utility office workloads.

∙ Jetted 1400 feet of sewer lines.

∙ Weekly water and chlorine samples.

∙ State well samples.

∙ Had backhoe serviced.

∙ Changed pivot tire at sewer lake.

Water/Sewer Week of Oct 2-6:

∙ Changed pivot tire at sewer lake.

∙ Tore check valve and air release valve apart at Lift station A, got all pumps back online.

∙ Rebuilt chlorine pump head at Burnham Well.

∙ Weekly water samples and airport well samples.

∙ Winterized sewer lake pump house and pivot.

∙ Put boards back in wells, APU vents for winter.

∙ Ordered Eradicator grinder for Lift station A.

∙ Elkhorn water tower still in process of being painted.

∙ 20 utility office work orders.

∙ Jetted 10,000 feet of sewer line.


∙ Staff received Flu Shots offered by the City.

∙ Staff taught a First Aid/CPR class to City Employees on Wednesday.

∙ Ran two serious motor vehicle collisions this week. We did request and received a Critical Incident Stress Debriefing for our staff and volunteers. This debriefing was also opened to other agency first responders on scene.

∙ Staff participated in a webinar on PTSD vs Moral Injury. A well-timed training opportunity considering the two serious calls we had this week.


∙ Completing pre-employment steps for new hires and scheduling interviews for open positions.

∙ Finalizing setup for Benefits module in HRIS in preparation for Open Enrollment for employee medical and life insurance enrollments.

∙ Assisting new employees with enrollments and onboarding process.

∙ Conducted training for Leadership team on changes and updates to the timekeeping system.

∙ Hosted Flu-shot clinic for employees.


∙ The Chamber has now started promoting the Trunk & Treat Halloween 2023 for the last day of October. It is open to the public and everyone is welcome to attend; registrations online or in the Chamber office!

∙ The Business Improvement District is steadily moving onward and we are optimistic that we can hopefully implement this before the El Nino winter arrives.

∙ If you are a Chamber member and have any events planned for October and November, please reach out to us for promotion and volunteer assistance!

∙ We will soon be welcoming two new businesses to the downtown and are excited to see the positive services they will offer the community!