BBGH Recognizes Physical Therapy Month

This PT Month, Box Butte General Hospital (BBGH) wants to recognize the work the physical therapy team does outside their everyday work inside the Rehab and Wellness Center.

Each year, BBGH physical therapists work all varsity home contests and travel to away games with the Alliance High School football team. They also do sports rehab clinics in Alliance Monday through Thursday after school, in Hemingford every Wednesday after school, and in Hyannis every other Wednesday after school.

Through these opportunities, BBGH physical therapists are able to provide acute and subacute care to student athletes before, during, and after games as well as giving them preventative education. This allows the students and coaches to do what they do best and know that their needs are being met.

“It is important to be able to provide an avenue for healthcare to our student athletes, which is part of our mission of providing community wellness,” BBGH Physical Therapist and Rehab Manager Tim Devlin said. “We want to make sure they are staying healthy in their sport and that they can participate as much as possible. We all know the benefits sports offers to our youth, for both physical and mental health, and we hope we can do our part to make sure all the athletes are cared for during this time in their lives.”

While working with student athletes, BBGH physical therapists also spends their time volunteering as coaches for youth activities at the ARC and volunteering within their churches.

“Our team prides itself in being community oriented and each of our therapists enjoys spending quality time with their family in our community,” Devlin added.

Along with the work they do for the community, our physical therapists work to bring new therapy options to patients. Starting in September, the BBGH Rehab team began offering aquatic therapy. This type of therapy benefits those that suffer from arthritis, chronic pain, developmental conditions, a stroke, or other neurological conditions.