Signature Verifications and Certification Completed for Private Education Tax Credit Referendum

County election officials have finished verifying valid signatures submitted as part of the petition drive to repeal LB753 and have certified their results with the Secretary of State’s office.

“After careful review by our county election officials, I can confirm that the constitutional requirements have been met to place the referendum petition on the November 2024 ballot,” Secretary Evnen said.

The Nebraska Secretary of State’s office notified the petition sponsors that their referendum petition made the ballot. The November 2024 general election will allow Nebraska voters to decide whether the Opportunity Scholarships Act should be repealed or retained.

At least 61,308 signatures were required to add the petition referendum to the ballot. County election officials verified 91,861 valid signatures, which met the threshold. Additionally, signatures of more than five percent of registered voters were collected in the 64 of the state’s 93 counties. This meets the constitutional distribution requirement of 38 counties for a referendum petition.

Over the coming days, the Attorney General will create the ballot language for the measure. In the fall of 2024, state election staff will schedule three public hearings about the measure and create informational pamphlets that will be available to voters at county election offices.

More information about the complete initiative and referendum petition process can be found on the Nebraska Secretary of State’s website under the Elections tab.