Wyoming Man Sentenced for Threatening to Assault a Federal Law Enforcement Officer

Acting United States Attorney Susan Lehr announced that Anthony Unocic, 54, of Cheyenne, Wyoming, was sentenced on January 4, 2024, in Lincoln, Nebraska by United States District Court Senior Judge John M. Gerrard to a term of 33 months’ imprisonment following his conviction after being found guilty by a jury on September 28, 2023, for threatening to assault a federal law enforcement officer. There is no parole in the federal system. After his release from prison, Unocic will serve a 3-year term of supervised release.

In 2021, a Wyoming ATF Agent investigated Unocic for possession of an unregistered firearm suppressor. Unocic had ordered the suppressor from China using a false name, and agents intercepted the package which led to the investigation. ATF agents also learned that Unocic had previously been in a stand-off with police in 2015 in Colorado which resulted in his conviction for attempted possession of explosive or incendiary device.

During the 2021 Wyoming investigation by the ATF, a search warrant was executed at Unocic’s Wyoming residence where agents found the suppressor, several firearms, ammunition, and user amounts of heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine. In 2021, Unocic pled guilty in the United States District Court, District of Wyoming, to being a felon in possession of a firearms and ammunition. He was sentenced to 33 months in federal prison. Once Unocic is finished serving this Wyoming sentence he will begin serving the Nebraska sentence handed down January 4, 2024, which was ordered to run consecutive to his Wyoming sentence.

While awaiting sentencing in the District of Wyoming case, Unocic was held in the Scotts Bluff County jail. Unocic expressed anger about his suppressor case to fellow inmates. He talked in detail and on numerous occasions about killing the lead ATF agent by stabbing him, shooting him, or blowing him up. A video from inside the jail showed Unocic demonstrating to other inmates how he was going stab the ATF agent.

This case was investigated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. “ATF Special Agents work tirelessly to protect our communities and prevent violent crime every day,” stated ATF Special Agent in Charge Brent Beavers. “When the lives of our Special Agents are threatened, we will not remain passive. Today’s sentencing serves as a clear demonstration of our commitment to holding accountable those who make such threats.”