Americanism Essay Contest Announced

The American Legion Auxiliary Alliance Unit 7 is sponsoring the National Americanism Essay Contest.

The contest is open to all students in grades 3-12 – public, private and home school. The essay title is “What does Freedom mean to me?” Essays are due to the Unit on or before Thursday, February 15. An official cover sheet is available from Luayne Weisgerber, 308-763-8441.

Essay classes are: Class I, grades 3-4, 150-250 words; Class II, grades 5-6, 250-300 words; Class III, grades 7-8, 350-400 words; Class IV, grades 9-10, 450-500 words; Class V, grades 11-12, 450-500 words; Class VI, students with special needs, Word count should correspond with student’s grade level. Monetary prizes are given to first through third place at each level locally. First place essays are forwarded to Department for further judging.