“The Constitution and Bill of Rights give us these freedoms. However, we cannot just do whatever we want, there are laws put in place to keep us safe.” Quinton Schroth
The American Legion Auxiliary Unit 7 has announced the local winners of the Americanism essay contest. The title of this year’s essays is What does Freedom mean to me?” The title is chosen by the national Americanism chairman to coordinate with the National President’s theme for the year.
This year, the Unit received 28 essays in three classes. The winners are all from St. Agnes Academy – Class II, Quinton Schroth, first, Emerson Trumble, second, and Dixon Bair, third; Class III, Paxton Richey, first, Reese Armstrong, second, and Grayson DeBrito, third; and Class VI, Enzo Kappius, first. In addition to a certificate, each of the top three winners receives a cash prize from the Unit.
Essays are judged at Unit level, with local first place winners forwarded to state level, then those winners are sent to regional and national competitions. The National essay award is presented at the National convention at the end of August.
Essays are judged in six classes – Class I, grades 3-4, 150-250 words; Class II, grades 5-6, 250-300 words; Class III, grades 7-8, 350-400 words; Class IV, grades 9-10, 450-500 words; Class V, grades 11-12, 450-500 words; and Class VI, students with special needs, word count corresponds with student’s grade level. The contest is open to all students in grades 3-12, including home schooled students, and do not have to be written as part of a class assignment, although a teacher’s signature is required.