Blast from the Past April 10, 2024

130 Years Ago

April 13, 1894

Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Acheson, who resided in a small frame dwelling in Johnson’s addition, were awakened about twelve o’clock last Saturday night by the crackling of flames over their bed and found the whole upper part of their dwelling on fire. They were forced to leave the abode only partly clad, losing all other clothing and saving only a few articles such as a bureau, sewing machine, part of the bed-stead and a few strips of carpet.

125 Years Ago

April 14, 1899

April 10th board of commissioners met as per adjournment, all present. Relative to a place for county court house the following propositions were examined: E. M. Stearns offered to repair building on lot 13, block 17, and rent to county three years for $20 per month; also to sell same property for $700. Proposition of Lincoln Land Co. was to sell Hemingford court house, placed on northwest corner of block 3, on good stone foundation, replastered and repaired ready for occupancy for $1,500, county to lease site for $36 per year and taxes paid four years, at expiration of which time county was to purchase site at price of $400.

120 Years Ago

April 8, 1904

“It never rains but it pours” seems to apply even in city matters of Alliance, Box Butte county, away out here in the semi-arid region. The results of the city election show Dr. L. W. Bowman, who stood for the suppression of gambling, regulation of saloons nearer in accordance with the Slocumb law and such reforms, elected by more than two to one over his opponent L. Buechsenstein, who as mayor the past year has given a good business administration and comes out with cash in the treasury to his credit, but allowed the licensing of various forms of dissipation.

115 Years Ago

April 13, 1909

The handsome business building 50 X 130 feet erected by W. D. Rumer at intersection of Box Butte and Wyoming avenues about three years ago was destroyed by fire last night. It was insured $16,000, and cost not less than $20,000, which represents Mr. Rumer’s loss.

110 Years Ago

April 10, 1914

The proposition of cleaning the streets and alleys of all refuse, garbage, tin cans, hoop skirts, corsets, magazines, bottles and whatnot was brought up for discussion and will have the immediate attention of the police. Places that are a menace to public health and a disgrace to the neighborhood in which they exist will be ordered cleaned up by the officers and if the instructions are not carried out arrests will follow.

105 Years Ago

April 11, 1919

Although officers have been diligently on the trail of the murderers of Chas. Johnson since the crime was committed at nine o’clock Tuesday night, little evidence of a tangible nature has been secured. The most important change in the theory is the presence of two knife wounds at the base of the brain of the murdered man.

100 Years Ago

April 11, 1924

Ideas that would tend to beautify the city and enlarge its business possibilities were discussed at the regular weekly meeting of the Rotary club at the Methodist church Wednesday night. Marcus Frankle led the discussion on suggestions for increased business and he pointed out a dozen or more activities that were entitled to consideration by everybody in Alliance as well as members of the club.

95 Years Ago

April 9, 1929

With the site of the present air field north of the city being put to the plow for the cause of agriculture Alliance is in need of a new location for its airport. There are two places under consideration by a committee of the Chamber of Commerce and other local flying enthusiasts.

90 Years Ago

April 10, 1934

Stories from other sections of western Nebraska about snow geese which were so thick that they were causing a serious menace to fields of wheat do not seem so far-fetched to a number of Alliance farmers who are wondering just now what to do in the same sort of situation.

85 Years Ago

April 11, 1939

The Alliance Petroleum company will within the next 10 days start construction of a refinery, it was announced today by J. L. Freeman, who, with C. L. Wilson, operates the company. The refinery will be located on the southeast corner of the junction of highways No. 2 and No. 19 at the west edge of the city. The plant will at first have a capacity of 100 barrels a day, Mr. Freeman said, but a steam boiler will be installed that will allow the capacity to be more than doubled.

80 Years Ago

April 11, 1944

Registration for Victory Garden contests staged by the Chamber of Commerce and the Merchants committee must be made before May 1 by the boys and girls of Alliance 10 to 16 years of age, if they expect to participate in the distribution of $100 cash prizes, John Decker, county agent, announced.

75 Years Ago

April 8, 1949

The city has been practicing good behavior during the past three days, according to police. There have been only three minor traffic offenses during the period, and no cases of intoxication.

70 Years Ago

April 10, 1954

The spring term of the Box Butte County District Court begins Monday with Judge E. L. Meyer presiding. The docket includes both criminal and civil cases filed as of March 6. The docket will be read during the opening session and cases scheduled for hearing.

65 Years Ago

April 10, 1959

The Alliance City Council unanimously granted an approximately $10,000 per year industrial gas rate increase to the Kansas-Nebraska Gas Company, annexed an area of land for a proposed doctor’s clinic, and approved rental of the old cold storage plant at the Municipal Airport at a surprisingly lively session Thursday night.

60 Years Ago

April 10, 1964

President Johnson’s announcement at 8:40 p.m. Thursday that the nationwide railroad strike had been postponed at least 15 days was welcome news in Alliance. It had been touch and go whether Passenger Train 42 would depart from Alliance on time at 10:40 Thursday evening, with work rules posted in notice books, and the word being spread that the strike would start at 12:01 a.m. today.

55 Years Ago

April 10, 1969

Michael J. Kusek, Alliance barber, who has served on the Selective Service Board here for 10 years, resigned the post at the regular board meeting Wednesday evening. The board also announced the names of five men who have been inducted or enlisted in the delay program in the Reserves of various branches of the Armed Forces but are not on active duty.

50 Years Ago

April 10, 1974

What is the subject of greatest concern to the residents of Box Butte School District Six? The property tax levy which is the highest of the 50 largest districts in the state, or teacher contract terms which recently were at the brink of impasse, or a new vocational building which the district may, or may not be able to afford? Wrong! It’s none of these. What is the subject of concern? It is the hallowed Junior-Senior Prom, and the dating rights of members of those two classes. The amended rules limited “outside” dates to Sophomores, the previous year’s graduates of AHS, and St. Agnes Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors.

45 Years Ago

April 2, 1979

Box Butte County Sheriff M. E. (Mike) Frerichs today withdrew his resignation and will remain as sheriff. The resignation withdrawal was accepted by the Box Butte County Commissioners Tuesday afternoon. Frerichs announced his resignation 10 days ago citing financial problems with the feeding of prisoners. The Nebraska Legislature is taking another look at the food allowance question at this time.

40 Years Ago

April 11, 1984

Three persons were taken to Box Butte General Hospital for treatment Tuesday following a near head-on collision at 10:50 a.m. 5.5 miles east of Alliance on Nebraska Highway 2.

35 Years Ago

April 10, 1989

At the end of the nine-hour YMCA Auction Sunday, organizers sat together in the Alliance municipal auditorium reluctant to leave. The auction made about $23,000 for the YMCA building fund. Susi Wilkinson, auction organizer, said they all felt so good about the fourth annual event they didn’t want to go home.

30 Years Ago

April 9, 1994

The date of the Alliance High School musical, “The Wizard of Oz,” is rapidly approaching, just like the tornado in the musical. The cast is perfecting its performance for opening night, April 14. The stage crew has been working long hours to get sets and props ready for the show.

25 Years Ago

April 10, 1999

Fern Morrow pulls her needle and brightly colored embroidery thread through the fabric, creating another stitch on a quilt panel. Morrow has enjoyed embroidering for decades, yet she begins this project just weeks before turning 103 years old.

20 Years Ago

April 9, 2004

Fifty-three of Nebraska’s 93 counties lost population last year, including Box Butte County, while Sarpy County continued its trend of significant annual growth, according to U.S. Census Bureau figures released Thursday. Box Butte County dropped 1.4 percent from 11,832 to 11,669. The past year continues a trend that started before the last century. Since 2000, Box Butte County’s population has declined four percent from 12,158.

15 Years Ago

April 10, 2009

Jerod Hahn, a deputy working for the Box Butte County Sheriff’s Office, has returned from his boot camp and military law enforcement training with the Navy Reserve. Hahn originally moved to Alliance from Kearney after being hired as a Box Butte County deputy in October 2007. Still working with the Sheriff’s department, Hahn signed up with the Navy reserve in June of 2008.

10 Years Ago

April 10, 2014

In celebration of Volunteer Week, Good Samaritan Society hosted a reception for RSVP volunteers to show their appreciation for everything they help do for the residents. Volunteers help with Bingo, prayer supper, conversation corner, exercise, red hats, church, crafts, dining out and many other activities.

5 Years Ago

April 10, 2019

Four new members were inducted into the Alliance High School Activities Hall of Fame on Saturday evening, including Dick Boness, Lannie Shelmadine, Jeff Tomlin and Merlin “Beanie” Lawrence.

*Compiled from The Alliance Times-Herald Archives by staff.