Severe Weather Questions

There is a lot of information out there dealing with severe weather safety. However, some of it is inaccurate and today we are going to discuss the information that is in fact, bad advice.

True or false, if you are wearing rubber-soled shoes you will be safe if lightning strikes you? That is false; lightning will not be stopped because of a thin layer of rubber in your shoes. The safest solution is to get indoors during lightning events.

Should you or shouldn’t you have candles in your supplies for after a storm? It is recommended that you don’t use candles. There have been many cases of people being killed by fires after the storm because they used candles. The best recommendation is to use flashlights and have fresh batteries in your disaster kit.

True or false, you should open a window during a tornado to equalize the pressure? False, don’t waste time opening windows during a tornado, get to the lowest level of the structure and get under something sturdy. It was once thought that by opening a window it would reduce the pressure differences therefore reducing damage to the structure. It is the high winds in a tornado that destroy buildings not the tremendous pressure gradient.

Should you drive at right angles to a tornado? The answer is no. By knowing the forecast, not putting yourself in this life-or-death situation is preferable! However, life happens and if you find yourself not knowing it was coming and you’re looking directly at a tornado coming right at you, the last-ditch effort to save yourself would be to get out of your car and seek shelter in a nearby building or in a ditch or low area. But again, this is the only if all other options are exhausted!