North Panhandle Communications Contest Results Released

On Sunday, April 14t the 4-H Staff from the North Panhandle hosted the annual Communications Contest at the Performing Arts Center in Alliance. Youth, between the ages of 5 to 18, from Box Butte, Dawes, and Sheridan Counties had the opportunity to participate in an Illustrated Presentation, Prepared Speech, Public Service Announcement, or Video Communications Contest. “It was exciting to see all the new participants we had this year.” Stated Melissa Mracek, 4-H Educator.

In the Illustrated Presentation Contest, Julia Nicholson of Dawes County received a purple and was selected as Champion in the Intermediate Division. In the Prepared Speech Division for the Seniors, Ayla Foster was awarded purple and Grand Champion for the Box Butte County Senior age division. Reserve Champion for Box Butte was awarded to Chili Potmesil also with a purple. Jonas Daughtery from Box Butte received a blue. In the Dawes County Senior Division, Garett Tollman was awarded Grand Champion with a purple and Miranda Betson received Reserve Champion also with a purple. In the Intermediate age division for Box Butte, receiving Grand Champion with a purple was Eden Foster. Silas Daughtery was also awarded Reserve Champion with a purple. Receiving blue was Jessi Latka. Amelia Betson, from Dawes County, received Grand Champion with a purple for their Intermediate age division. In the Sheridan County Intermediate age division, Willow Frink was awarded Grand Champion with a purple. For the Box Butte County Junior age division, Callin Foster received Grand Champion with a purple and Mara Foster was Reserve Champion with a purple as well. Cedar Frink was awarded Grand Champion with a purple for the Sheridan County Junior division. There were also two Clover Kids, ages 5-7 years old, who presented speeches: Wyatt and Jarrett Redden of Dawes County. Several Dawes County members submitted Public Service Announcements as well. Cody Penaluna was awarded Champion of the Senior division with a blue. In the Intermediate division, Oakley Terrell received Champion with a purple and Levi Penaluna Reserve Champion with a blue. Rhett Lesmeister was awarded Champion with a purple in the Junior division. New this year, Chili Potmesil submitted a Video Communications. He was awarded Champion with a purple for his video.

The state Premier Communications Contest will be held on June 17 and 18 in Lincoln, Nebraska. Youth must receive a purple from the county contest in order to participate. Each county can select up to five participants from each age division. Those who are eligible to participate in the state contest from Box Butte are Ayla Foster, Chili Potmesil, Eden Foster, Silas Daughtery, Callin Foster, and Mara Foster. The exhibitors from Dawes County who are eligible are Julia Nicholson, Garett Tollman, Miranda Betson, Amelia Betson, Oakley Terrell, and Rhett Lesmeister. Sheridan County exhibitors who are eligible to participate are Willow and Cedar Frink.