BBGH Announces Second DAISY Award Honoree

OB Coordinator Samantha Andreasen, RN, CLC, of Box Butte General Hospital (BBGH) was recently honored with The DAISY Award® For Extraordinary Nurses. The award is part of the DAISY Foundation’s programs to recognize the amazing work nurses do every day.

Samantha received two nominations. The first, written by Nurse Aide/Ward Clerk Nicole Jensen, reads:

“This nurse is the true definition of a hero. I’ve overheard old stories of situations where she’s come in from over her years of nursing. Therefore, I already knew she’s that special kind of nurse you can call at any time and say ‘hey someone’s life is on the line’ and she is going to stop anything she is doing at any place and time and show up for that person’s life. In an emergency situation, I reached out to all of my on calls first and knew in the back of my mind we needed her extreme knowledge and skills. She was last called and first to arrive, that’s when I realized that’s what a true hero looks like. I’m so excited to say that I have witnessed first-hand a hero in action. Any medical professional who is in it full heartedly like she is definitely deserves extra kudos. Samantha Andreasen, RN, is on call always, not because she’s obligated to though the facility, but because she has a real pure compassion.”

The second was written by a visitor of one of Samantha’s patients. It reads:

“I witnessed my sister having a baby as my first ever experience. The baby ended up with the umbilical cord wrapped around his neck and body. Samantha knew from the first second something was off. She got all the helping hands in. In a matter of seconds, she handled the scare in a calm and very professional manner with her act of a quick, calm response and extra hands. Soon they had the baby breathing again and back to great color. All of the doctors that came in all worked great as a team and handled the situation very well. We are all blessed, and so grateful to have my nephew happy as can be with us all. THANK YOU SAMANTHA! From the bottom of our heart.”

Samantha has been working at BBGH since 2016. Along with her role as OB Coordinator and her work as a staff nurse on the Patient Care Unit (PCU), she also serves as one of BBGH’s certified lactation counselors. During her time at BBGH, she has helped create the lactation counseling services and increase overall lactation and postpartum education resources for the public.

“Samantha is much deserving of this award,” Chief Nursing Officer Jordan Colwell said. “She not only covers shifts as a staff nurse but also spends time making the OB department better with her coordinator role. Samantha’s dedication to our patients is second to none and I am happy that she received this award.”

The not-for-profit DAISY Foundation is based in Glen Ellen, CA, and was established by family members in memory of J. Patrick Barnes. Patrick died at the age of 33 in late 1999 from complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), a little known but not uncommon auto-immune disease. The care Patrick and his family received from nurses while he was ill inspired this unique means of thanking nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and patient families.

“When Patrick was critically ill, our family experienced first-hand the remarkable skill and care nurses provide patients every day and night,” Bonnie Barnes, FAAN, CEO and Co-Founder of The DAISY Foundation, said. “Yet these unsung heroes are seldom recognized for the super-human work they do. The kind of work the nurses at BBGH are called on to do every day epitomizes the purpose of The DAISY Award.”

In addition to the DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nurses, the Foundation expresses gratitude to the nursing profession internationally in over 4,600 healthcare facilities and schools of nursing with recognition of direct care Nurses, Nurse-led Teams, Nurse Leaders, Nurses Advancing Health Equity, Nursing Faculty, Nursing Students, Lifetime Achievement in Nursing and through the J. Patrick Barnes Grants for Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Projects, Medical Mission Grants their new Health Equity Grant program.

To nominate a BBGH nurse for the DAISY Award, please visit