Newblom Foundation Awards Grants, Scholarships

Wally A. Seiler has announced the recent awarding of grants and scholarships totaling $8,400 by the Darold A. Newblom Foundation to three organizations and four individuals. Seiler serves as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Foundation, which was created under the terms of the Last Will and Testament of the late Mr. Newblom.

Those organizations receiving grants are Post Playhouse, Inc., Crawford ($3,400 to benefit college student actors/technicians as a way to supplement their theatre education); Carnegie Arts Center, Alliance ($2,000 to provide a platform for over 100 individuals to showcase their artwork in a professional setting); and to Emerson Elementary School, Alliance ($1,000 to furnish flexible seating for second grade classroom).

Individuals receiving scholarships, each in the amount of $500, are Alliance residents Chloe Blumanthal and Connor Blumanthal; Crawford resident Alexa Tollman and Hay Springs resident, Jessica Heesacker.

This marks the 34th year that grants and scholarships have been given by the Newblom Foundation, which was established to support activities for the moral, mental, intellectual and physical development of young men and women in Box Butte and Dawes Counties; to provide scholarships for assisting students in obtaining an education; and to assist in the founding, equipping and maintaining of associations or institutions engaged in the advancement of learning. During the past 34 years, the Newblom Foundation has provided funding of $417,051.19 in support of its goals.

Grants and scholarships from the Newblom Foundation are awarded once a year. Applications for the 2025 grants and scholarships will be available from Seiler after Nov. 1, 2024 at his home at 1208 Laramie Avenue, Alliance.