Doing the People’s Work: Property Tax Reform

Over the past few weeks, Nebraskans across the state have begun receiving their property valuation notices. The common reaction to those statements can be summed up in one word—outrage. One Nebraskan recently interviewed for a news story had the perfect reaction to the question “what goes through your head when viewing your property tax valuations?” Her response: “I can’t say that on TV.” She is not alone. Countless Nebraskans are in disbelief when they see the recent increases in their home values.

Double digit increases in valuations year over year is not something we should accept. However, special interest groups have intimidated and paralyzed our Legislature.

In the 2024 Preliminary Property Tax Valuation estimates, 57 out of 93 counties had double digit valuation increases. The largest increase was 28% in Boone County. Out of our three largest counties, Douglas saw an 8% increase, Sarpy 11%, and Lancaster had a 5% increase.

Unfortunately, when valuations increase, you inevitably pay more in property taxes. Period. That’s because we have a spending problem here in Nebraska.

It’s time we have transformational change in our tax code. It’s time that we stop taxing Nebraskans out of their homes. We can solve this problem with a broad tax base and low tax rate. This will reduce the burden on homeowners, ranchers, and farmers and put more of a tax burden on the special interests that have received a free ride for the past 60 years.

I vow to do everything in my power as your Governor to cut your property taxes. To any state senator reading this—clear your schedule from July 26 to August 15. We have the people’s work to do.