Juniors Top Ogallala 7 to 4

In a six inning contest it was the Alliance Peltz Co Junior Spartans defeating the Ogallala Adams Insurance Advisors 7 to 4 in a game played in Alliance on last Monday night. The Spartans scored 4 runs in the second inning to down the guests. Seven Spartans got hits while the Advisors had 6. Pitching for Alliance were Kobe Strom and Roman Escamilla. Entering the contest in the third inning Escamilla was credited with the win. Shortstop Kegan Nelson led the offense for the Peltz Co with 2 RBIs.

Both teams failed to score in the first. Starting pitcher Strom helped his cause in the top of the inning by picking off an Ogallala runner off first. Second baseman Jaxon Poss had an infield hit for Alliance in the bottom of the inning but was stranded. Ogallala grab the early lead in the second with one run on one hit. A double play turned by the Spartans in the inning kept Ogallala from scoring any more. The bats would then come alive for the Peltz Co in the second. Strom reach on a hit by pitch to began the rally. Catcher EJ Garcia then ensued with a sacrifice bunt and reach on an Ogallala error. Back to back singles by Carver Nemnich and Jackson Smith gave the Spartans a lead at 2 to 1. The inning came to a close with a 2 RBI hit by Nelson. After 2 innings of action the Spartans led 4 to 1. Escamilla came into the contest to pitch in the third and held the visitors to 0 runs. In the home half of the third the Peltz Co tallied two more runs. Hits by Tanner Salcido and Garcia began the action with Salcido scoring on an Ogallala wild pitch. An RBI groundout by Smith plated Garcia and the game went to the fourth with the Spartans out in front 6 to 1. The Insurance Advisors would trim the Alliance lead in the fifth with 2 runs on one hit and 2 Spartans error. Up 6 to 3 the Spartans scratched out one run in the bottom of the fifth. Salcido walked and score on another Ogallala wild pitch. Heading to the final inning Alliance was ahead 7 to 3. A couple of hits by the guests would plate one run in the top but wasn’t enough. Final Alliance 7 Ogallala 4

OG 0 1 0 0 2 1 4

ALL 0 4 2 0 1 x 7

Pitching for Alliance Strom 2 innings Escamilla 4 innings winning pitcher

Hits for Alliance Nelson Poss Escamilla Garcia Salcido Nemnich Smith one hit each