Prairie Dog Breaks into Box Butte County Jail to Pump Iron with Inmates

In the latest news regarding prairie dogs in Box Butte County, it seems the creatures have

taken a new interest in things other than invading property, or foraging for food.

Detailed by Lori White, with County Building and Grounds, during a recent meeting of the Box Butte County Commissioners, stated that a single prairie dog recently broke into the jail’s recreational area.

White stated, “Speaking of prairie dogs, you know we had one out in the exercise,” in which White was referring to the Box Butte County Jail.

In response, Mike Sautter, Box Butte County Commissioner, asked whether or not it was in the jail exercise area?

To which White confirmed: “Yes we did, don’t know how he got there.”

Box Butte County Sheriff J.D. Sutphen said in an interview: “There was one prairie dog that got into the rec-court. When they were working on getting the new elevator in, and I think they had

to get into the rec-court, and I guess he wanted to see what was going on in there. I don’t know how else he could have got in there. I mean, there’s no other way in there.”

Prairie dogs are considered an invasive pest species. To deal with this growing problem the Box Butte County Commissioners discussed a Prairie Dog Management plan to provide humane options for deterrent or removal processes. As of June 5, the motion to approve the plan was passed.