Juniors Beat Gering 9 to 0 Behind No Hitter by Nemnich

A five inning no hitter by Alliance Peltz Co pitcher Carver Nemnich powered the Spartans past Gering 9 to 0 in a contest played in Alliance on Wednesday night. Nemnich finished his big night with 8 strikeouts in getting the win.

Alliance used a four run second inning and a third run third inning and cruised to the victory. The game was called after the top of the fifth due to the run rule. Two Spartans- EJ Garcia and Tony Escamilla- led the Peltz Co offense with 2 hits apiece. In all, Alliance used 9 hits, 5 walks, and 4 Gering errors to get the W.

Two strikeouts by Nemnich in the top of the first helped Alliance keep the guests off the scoreboard. The Spartans put one in the scorebook in the bottom of the opening inning. Leadoff batter Kegan Nelson walked and scored on 2 Gering errors. Kobe Strom’s hard hit ball causing a Gering error would score Nelson for the game’s first run. Escamilla followed with a single but a Gering double play finished the inning with Alliance ahead 1 to 0. Three more Ks by Nemnich denied the visitors any scores in top of inning #2 and kept the contest at 1 to 0. A two run triple in the second by Nelson put the Spartans out in front 3 to 0. It was followed by 2 Gering errors and a wild pitch that scored both Nelson and Jackson Smith. After 2 complete the Peltz Co led 5 to 0. Left fielder Lexton Salcido then helped keep the no no intact with 3 put outs for Alliance as the Spartans maintained their 5 run lead.

In the home half of the third the Peltz Co squad tallied 3 more runs. Back to back hits from Mikey Johnson and Tanner Salcido would plate Jaxon Martinez who led off the inning with a walk. Garcia was next and he singled, scoring 2 more Spartans runs. Smith would also single in the inning but failed to score. After 3 innings of action, the Alliance margin grew to 8 to 0. Two more Ks by Nemnich in the fourth kept the guests from scoring as the game went to the bottom of the fourth. Alliance got one more tally in their last at bat.

Martinez walked and stole second. Consecutive singles by Lexton Salcido and Garcia would score Martinez, bringing the score to 9 to 0 after 4 innings of play. Gering would go 1-2-3 in their last at bat as Nemnich nailed down his no hitter and the win. Final Alliance 9 Gering 0

GER 0 0 0 0 0 0

ALL 1 4 3 1 x 9

Pitching for Alliance Nemnich-winning pitcher no hitter, hits for the Spartans 2 each Garcia and Escamilla one hit apiece Smith Tanner Salcido Lexton Salcido Nelson Johnson