PASSED: Fischer, Bennet Resolution Promoting Mental Health in Ag Industry and Workforce

The Senate unanimously approved U.S. Senators Deb Fischer (R-Neb.) and Michael Bennet’s (D-Colo.), bipartisan resolution designating May 29th as “Mental Health Awareness in Agriculture Day.”

“From unpredictable weather to volatile markets and trade agreements, the livelihood of Nebraska’s agricultural producers and workforce depend on several factors beyond their control. This uncertainty, paired with extreme stress, leads to higher levels of anxiety and depression. Our resolution recognizes those unique challenges and supports the farmers, ranchers, and workers who perform the essential work of producing high quality food, fuel, and fiber,” said Senator Fischer.

“Unprecedented challenges are taking a toll on the mental health of Colorado’s farmers, ranchers, and farm workers — including severe drought and increased costs. I’m grateful to stand with Senator Fischer and my Senate colleagues to raise awareness about mental health and to work to expand access to care for Americans in every community,” said Senator Bennet.

Stakeholder Support: The National Rural Health Association, Nebraska Rural Health Association, American Farm Bureau Federation, Nebraska Farm Bureau, Nebraska Farmers Union, and National Farmers Union.

“The National Rural Health Association (NRHA) appreciates Senator Fischer’s and Senator Bennet’s strong commitment to uplifting the mental health of agricultural workers. NRHA is proud to support the Senators’ resolution to designate May 29th as Mental Health Awareness in Agriculture Day. We join the Senators in recognizing the importance of those working in the agriculture industry, improving their mental health, and reducing stigma around mental health,” said Alan Morgan, Chief Executive Officer, National Rural Health Association.

“Increased mental health resources are needed in rural Nebraska and especially for those in the Ag community. Bringing attention to the unique challenges our farmers and ranchers face is a crucial first step towards positively impacting their health and well-being. NeRHA extends our gratitude to Senator Fischer for her dedicated leadership in raising awareness on this vital issue,” said Jed Hansen, Executive Director, Nebraska Rural Health Association.

“Mental Health Awareness Month serves as an important reminder that we need to check in with ourselves and check up on each other. Farming and ranching is a stressful business that is full of uncertainty, which is why at AFBF we’re proud to offer resources through our Farm State of Mind campaign. I’m grateful for Senator Fischer’s leadership in working to designate a specific day during this month to bring focus to the unique challenges of the agricultural community. It’s important for all of us to remember that a healthy farm or ranch is nothing without a healthy farmer or rancher,” said Zippy Duvall, President, American Farm Bureau Federation.

“While the lifestyle and work of producing our nation and world’s food, fiber, and fuel is both noble and very rewarding, the challenges and uncertainties can weigh heavy. Outside of our typical day to day chores and activities, we all need to also be conscious of our own mental health and that of our family, friends, and neighbors. I want to thank Senator Fischer for bringing this issue to the forefront by offering this resolution to designate May 29th as Mental Health Awareness in Agriculture Day. As a rancher herself, Sen. Fischer knows firsthand the importance of this issue and the need to ensure everyone in agriculture knows it’s “ok to not be ok” and reach out if you or someone you know needs help,” said Mark McHargue, President, Nebraska Farm Bureau.

“Nebraska Farmers Union (NeFU) thanks Sen. Fischer for her sponsorship of the “Mental Health Awareness in Agriculture Day” to draw needed attention to the importance of agriculture and its high stress mental health needs. 40 years ago, NeFU along with Grange, WIFE, a variety of religious denominations with the help of the Nebraska Department of Agriculture organized the Nebraska Response Council that sponsors the Nebraska Rural Response Hotline (800-464-0258) that is staffed by Legal Aid of Nebraska. The Hotline provides legal and financial counseling, and thanks to the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, mental health vouchers for rural residents so they can receive professional mental health counseling from one of the over 400 statewide cooperating mental health counselors. We thank Sen. Fischer for shining the light on the need to improve our awareness of mental health needs, further reduce the stigma around mental health services, and help get agricultural and rural people access to affordable mental health counseling services,” said John Hansen, President, Nebraska Farmers Union.